My psycho-coward (ex)roommate cut my brake lines. Please read this post...

Caitie Mae's Avatar
The important stuff is in red. The rest is the story behind it...

I need help. Actually, I need lots of help. I especially need help from someone with a truck and car-dolly/flatbed trailer or a tow truck as well as a mechanic or someone very mechanically inclined.

About 6 months ago I moved into a house rented by a friend of mine. At about the same time (if not sooner) the owner of the house stopped paying the mortgage and said nothing about it to my friend and I until the house was in final foreclosure about 2 months ago at which time my roommate started acting really weird and started trying to get me to move out earlier than the notice we were given... Always telling me he had boxes for me to pack with, asking when I would be out of the house, hinting that I might lose some possessions if I waited too long to move them, and so on.

Well, I'm no dummy. I know that when the bank took over the house there would be a letter coming to the house offering a cash incentive for the tenants to vacate by a certain date and decreasing at later dates. I just figured that I would do the right thing and be out of the house by the time my roommate was ready to move and let him have all the money since he had been there for 5 years and there was no chance he would ever get his outrageous deposit back.

My roommate had a different plan. On the day the incentive letter arrived I was given a one-day notice to vacate by my roommate and (now) former friend. I tried to comply and was still packing and loading vehicles on the second day when the idiot called the Carrollton Police Department to ask them to remove me. Clearly, the guy doesn't know the laws in Texas and the cops laughed at him, more or less when they realized he had called them to have them make me move out faster.

Early on the third day, all of my things were out of the house and all I had left to get from there was my car. When I went began to pull the car out of the garage and put my foot on the brake, the pedal went straight to the floor. We managed to get the car stopped in the driveway, but brake fluid was all over the ground.

The last time I saw him with my own eyes, my roommate was checking under his car with a flashlight and acting very nervous and strange... kinda like someone who had fucked with someone else's car and now feared his had been fucked with as well. Bless his poor tell-tale heart.

So my car is in the driveway and I've been living like a gypsy with most of my possessions and chihuahuas toted along. But I haven't been able to get my car because I have no brakes and who knows what else my psycho roommate has done to the vehicle. The coward wouldn't even open the door to talk to me about it, just yelled to me through the locked (new locks) door like a baby girl.

I have to move the car today and I'm willing to offer a generous compensation including cash and/or trade to anyone who has the resources to help me do that as soon as possible. The car is sitting, now, near Keller Springs and Marsh Lane in Carrollton.

Thanks for reading and for helping.
CoHorn's Avatar
I wish I could help CM but my vehicle wouldn't help. I hope you get this taken care of pronto and you're "friend" gets what's coming to him.
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Thanks, CoHorn. I think he's drowning in the misery of guilt and paranoia now and I don't mind that he's stewing in that.
somebody 69's Avatar
Friend of your text me about your brake lines. Email me at
somebody 69's Avatar
Barny Stinson's Avatar
pm sent if you need help and haven't taken care of it let me know.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Bruce is a great guy caitie. I know him well. He can fix it completely today.

Wish I had seen this in time to help. Since I didn't I will at least remind you that Karma WILL take care of this guy, and those of us who know you will do our best to take care of you.
Sorry to hear that girl. But yes what goes around comes around.
that was pretty low of him...sorry to hear that.
You have had a hard time lately.
Hang in there. It WILL get better!!!!

P.S. that is why i live alone!!!!
White Tiger's Avatar
Hope you get all this straightened out and know you will. Meanwhile, thanks for being so gracious as to allow me to visit in the middle of all your troubles.