Fighting gas prices

So someone help me with the design. My idea is a car that runs off of hate. I'll name it the Gonzalez. It'll get from one end of Arizona to the other without stopping.
mahler's Avatar
best resource.......dallasgasprices .com
TexRich's Avatar
Poynt is a free app that can help you find gas prices nearby and the lowest, you can download it on iPhone, Blackberry, and Android
cptjohnstone's Avatar
just find a Quik Trip

true story, a fraternity brother of mine worked for QT in college and continued after graduation. I laugh at him because I was going to work for a Fortune 500 company. Well now he is #2 man with QT and probably worth millions
It was a joke. BUT I appreciate the hell out of the quick helpful responses from my fellow Hobby Brotherhood.