HoFo - Melina

snoopy75's Avatar
Unfortunately I have no info but upon further digging seems like she did massages in McKee's rocks.
laserface's Avatar
The only data I have to share is that I tried to reach out to her, and she didn't respond.
I texted with her yesterday…says the tryst ad are her pics but she never posted the tryst as…says she has. O idea who did….She also said some of the info in the tryst ad is not accurate…she says she does not do toys
a handy dandy from da rocs ?
Weird cuz that # in the tryst ad matches the # in her STG post. Maybe she just forgot she had ads elsewhere
if you have access to the guys room there is a thread that explains all of this. I don't want to risk getting more points as I have no clue what you can or can't put on here any more so I advise to check out the thread in the guys room if you can/want to.

#19 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Women's Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.
Any way you can link the posy, i seem to be having trouble finding it, or the heading