CHecks ups

Hello everyone,
I am about to tell you guys a story that is true. These things occurred in the past month in a half.
I have a Aunt who was a "free Spirit" so is what people called people back in the day when trying to be nice and say whore or lack of commitment. Anyhoe, she was a drinker and drugger but mostly drinker, she would drink the pain away. She would complain of back pain and drink it off. Thought she had been sick for awhile but who knows. So the last month she went to the doctor for a UTI but after the ultra sound they said "looks like tumors not sure.
Have to come and do a biopsy first. I went to go visit her after that appt, that was two weeks ago and now she is dead. Last week she found out she had stage four pancreatic cancer in fourth stages already spread to her liver. Nothing to do for her. She died Tuesday to the date of her diagnosis.She was 52
I am telling you guys this because she was too late, not paying attention to the small signs that her body was giving.
So, to all of you Please get your check ups and listen to your body. Even though this is a sad situation we celebrate her. So I will still NEED to see my friends. Even in death it cost!!!!
So if you have yet to get a check up do so

Omerta's Avatar
Issabella, I truly feel your loss. And I echo your call to have checkups done.

Right now I'm dealing with an elderly mother who neglected to do her mammograms for over 15 years, and has never had a colonoscopy done. A year ago, she found a mark she thought was a chigger bite on a breast and ignored it. The mark came and went but never truly went away. She ignored it until a few weeks ago, when her nipple inverted and ruptured open. Now we're dealing with cancer and other elderly health problems in a crisis, when being tested a year ago would have made a world of difference.

Issabella, celebrate your aunt as I celebrate my mother, and we share our stories so others can learn. Learn how they were happy, learn how they loved, learn from the good they did in life. And let's all learn from their mistakes, too.
nevercanhavetoomuch's Avatar
So sorry to hear about your loss Issabella.

I hope people heed your advice and get problems checked before it's to late. There is so much that modern medicine can do these days if something is caught soon enough. I think some men especially have phobia's about check-up... especially the infamous prostate exam. So do what's smart and get yourself checked.
Don't be.. Its life
Sorry you lost someone you love. Ill be ambiguous and just say I work in the medical field. Pancreatic cancer is the WORSE cancer. It is a silent killer. There usually few signs and symptoms. It is extremely difficult to treat with any modern day treatments. Even worse is that is an aggressive cancer. I'm truly sorry.

Talking about your feelings is health and part of the healing process. Alcohol and drugs only covers up the pain.
WMJ4657's Avatar
So sorry for your loss!!

Old saying " pain shared is pain divided" it's good to talk about things in our life rather than bottling them up inside us.
Sorry for the loss of your aunt, Issabella.

Thank you, it is a great reminder. I have not had an annual checkup recently and I need to. I'm now of the age where I get to have annual prostate exams, so that should be interesting.