Apartments in Little Rock

I've decided to go a few days a week to Little Rock. I figured it may be cheaper to just rent another home (with more privacy) than to keep booking hotels.
Do any of you know any reasonably priced places?
I pay $400 now for a 3 bed two bath at home.
A one bedroom in Little Rock will be fine.
Also what are some good areas to live in and which should I avoid?
I wouldn't mind being a bit outside of Little Rock if necessary to get a decent cheaper place.
I'm way excited that I can finally jump into this.
Of course all of this is not set in stone yet, so no one get too excited.
I love old houses with lots of character, in case anyone knows of anything.
I rent my 3 bedrooms in central Arkansas for 900/month, 2 bedrooms usually 750/month. You could find a decent one bedroom in Little Rock for 5-600/month.
Hogfan69's Avatar
NLR might be cheaper and the bonus is it's not in LR. If you have any that you come across feel free to ask about the area. You might could look at one of the one bedrooms in either downtown area. They have some quirky little places buried amongst those buildings.
They're a little higher, but I've always loved the loft apartments downtown.
I really want a loft apartment but I'm not finding any online. I'm going Thursday and Friday to look at some places in NLR.
I know I'm not going to find any as cheap as I pay now, but I was hoping not to pay more than 550-600 for a studio or one bedroom
There are some places in NLR for around 450 which is what i pay for mine.
Thank you! I'll have to look. North Little Rock is where I prefer anyways. I have friends that live that way so it would be less travel in traffic if we wanted to meet up. I've checked Craigslist, Zillow, and I plan to get a local paper when I'm there Thursday. Where else do y'all recomend looking?