clearly wasn't the place to complain

Unfortunately I made the mistake of ranting in a thread here
providers and hobbyists were fighting and I got a slew of angry/hateful comments and pms
I was not/am not trying to be hateful or disrespectful to people on here
Being young and relatively new to the hobby I was hurt and frustrated from the rudeness I was getting from a few potential clients
I was in no way referring to the majority
I wish everyone didn't take it so personally. I've been extremely nice to the guys that come see me and we always have a great time.
So sorry if I've offended anyone. that's all.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-16-2016, 05:43 PM
Unfortunately I made the mistake of ranting in a thread here
providers and hobbyists were fighting and I got a slew of angry/hateful comments and pms
I was not/am not trying to be hateful or disrespectful to people on here
Being young and relatively new to the hobby I was hurt and frustrated from the rudeness I was getting from a few potential clients
I was in no way referring to the majority
I wish everyone didn't take it so personally. I've been extremely nice to the guys that come see me and we always have a great time.
So sorry if I've offended anyone. that's all. Originally Posted by bribunnysaratoga
I don't know that anyone was really offended by your thread, but let me try & put it in perspective.

You go into the grocery store & you ask the first guy that comes round.

Hey do you know when the green beans are going to be on sale?

And the guy goes OFF on you...


What would YOU do...would you say "I'm sorry, just give me the beans you have & heres my money"....OR would you say..."You know, the store down the street sells beans too...and they don't yell at me either"

You'll learn...its a have the right to enforce your price, your limits & to restrict service to anyone who abuses your stated rules/regulations/pricing structures...but...the buyer has the right to walk away too. I would say its always better to just NOT respond & let it slide than engage in a disagreement.

Always remember...there are a lot of beans out there...and a lot of bean buyers too.


I don't mind people walking away if it is not what they want. I'm perfectly fine with that. I just don't like the rudeness that comes afterwards.
But yeah I understand more of it now.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-16-2016, 06:53 PM
I don't mind people walking away if it is not what they want. I'm perfectly fine with that. I just don't like the rudeness that comes afterwards.
But yeah I understand more of it now. Originally Posted by bribunnysaratoga
For good or bad it is like any other cross section of humanity. There are some polite folks, some quiet ones, and the never appreciated jerks. It is a very wide ranging set of ladies and guys, and to be successful--and to be happy in this business--you need to take time to understand who YOU are, what you consider "successful" here, and what kind of guys you want to attract (and how many).

Always be willing to listen to advice & suggestions, but don't ever feel you need to let others dictate what is right for you. No matter what you set your price at, some will tell you it is too much, others will tell you you are worth more. No matter how clearly you state something on your web site or posts, some guys turn off their brain after they see the first photo. Even though it should be a basic assumption that everyone should be respectful, you will have some guys (and a few ladies) who don't seem to think that should apply to them.

Stay safe, set realistic goals, and work on your exit strategy the day you start.
Unfortunately I made the mistake of ranting in a thread here
providers and hobbyists were fighting and I got a slew of angry/hateful comments and pms
I was not/am not trying to be hateful or disrespectful to people on here
Being young and relatively new to the hobby I was hurt and frustrated from the rudeness I was getting from a few potential clients
I was in no way referring to the majority
I wish everyone didn't take it so personally. I've been extremely nice to the guys that come see me and we always have a great time.
So sorry if I've offended anyone. that's all. Originally Posted by bribunnysaratoga
You didn't "offend" anyone that matters, and I don't mean to say that snidely, I just mean your intentions were clearly not to offend people without reason, but to vent frustrations. There will always be unreasonable, trolling scallywags looking for the next spot to interject superfluous hostility into a thread on here. Though unnecessary negativity can be draining in general (I know) the reasonable clients will take overall content as what it is and not devalue you as a provider simply because you're a bit more outspoken. Many have the capacity to be reasonable, and not just slap a "drama queen" sticker on anyone who's outspoken, though the venting in Coed will likely be pointless. Infoshare can be helpful.

Old-T makes some good points. Frustrations will definitely come and go, but you will notice in time which battles are worth any kind of effort or attention, and which aren't. I have learned that some battles on here are futile to be fought, and that some people will never have desire to change their ways or are oblivious or apathetic to the frustration it causes. That's not your problem, and when you realize more of the general workings of some of the processes on here it won't seem as personal to you. We ALL deal with the same bs, from both ends, and there are many good hobbyists who end up having to deal with some real bs from providers sometimes too. It just gets to a point where it's not worth expending the emotional energy. In any kind of job field, developing patience is always a good thing to invest in.
Thankyou guys so much. I appreciate the good advice and patience. As a newer/younger provider, I am still learning. Can only hope for better in the future
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-16-2016, 08:15 PM
You didn't "offend" anyone that matters, and I don't mean to say that snidely, I just mean your intentions were clearly not to offend people without reason, but to vent frustrations. There will always be unreasonable, trolling scallywags looking for the next spot to interject superfluous hostility into a thread on here. Though unnecessary negativity can be draining in general (I know) the reasonable clients will take overall content as what it is and not devalue you as a provider simply because you're a bit more outspoken. Many have the capacity to be reasonable, and not just slap a "drama queen" sticker on anyone who's outspoken, though the venting in Coed will likely be pointless. Infoshare can be helpful.

Old-T makes some good points. Frustrations will definitely come and go, but you will notice in time which battles are worth any kind of effort or attention, and which aren't. I have learned that some battles on here are futile to be fought, and that some people will never have desire to change their ways or are oblivious or apathetic to the frustration it causes. That's not your problem, and when you realize more of the general workings of some of the processes on here it won't seem as personal to you. We ALL deal with the same bs, from both ends, and there are many good hobbyists who end up having to deal with some real bs from providers sometimes too. It just gets to a point where it's not worth expending the emotional energy. In any kind of job field, developing patience is always a good thing to invest in. Originally Posted by JadeRose
Jade STFU, you're just taking an opportunity to take a shot at the guys and masking it as advice.

It's not the place to complain, but there are places for non- male support within the hobby. Just look for them. Coming to co-ed to get the male perspective on your business or personal shit is dangerous, though. It's like Little Red Riding Hood asking the wolf to give her diet recommendations to tasty up her flesh for the Let's Feast on Girls banquet.

Market research, sure. Support, understanding, and guidance? Yeah. No. Not going to happen. But like, that's just how it is and it's not going to change because it can't. The power dynamic is what it is. Learn to navigate it, not be strong armed by it.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-17-2016, 01:55 PM
Damn Jen...just a bit jaded? Like a pack of women in direct competition are going to welcome her into their coven with open arms?
Jaded isn't the right word. The opposite of a group of men isn't a group of women. To succeed in this business one must find her own path while thoughtfully finding useful guidance from multiple sources. Selective mentorship, always guarded. I'm not running out of here on a runaway ammunition train that's quickly catching on fire, simply using this as fodder for personal studies. Out of the box writing prompts, really. And like, just waiting on Papa Bear to disable my account so I can give JennsLolli a proper Viking funeral to thank her for service on my path toward top secret philosophy spy shit. Just saying my smiling fuck yous to the voices I've disagreed with, quite vocally I might add, for over a decade.
Damn Jen...just a bit jaded? Like a pack of women in direct competition are going to welcome her into their coven with open arms? Originally Posted by Toyz
jaded to the LOWBALLr's maybe. I have find anything posted by Jen to be worthy and full of substance. Thank you Jen for your intellectual insight and informative posts.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 05-17-2016, 10:56 PM
jaded to the LOWBALLr's maybe. I have find anything posted by Jen to be worthy and full of substance. Thank you Jen for your intellectual insight and informative posts. Originally Posted by TW!GGY
I actually enjoy watching your sad fake-one-trick-pony act. We need a bit of good cop/bad cop even if its from a fake profile! I get the biggest kick listening to you spew about how you fuck an exclusive clientele. My guess is you have a $40 a night room in the Vag Triangle & most of your tricks are plucked off of Rundberg. But keep up the facade, it makes most of us chuckle...and we need a chuckle now & again.
TehRyc's Avatar
It DOES get annoying to watch threads de-evolve into shit slinging masked as advice. It mucks up the process for newer people, and can give a very negative and uneducated view of Austin locals.

Its ironic the people's who's advice should be taken are usually smart enough to avoid the coed section all together and spend most of their time doing actual business.
It DOES get annoying to watch threads de-evolve into shit slinging masked as advice. It mucks up the process for newer people, and can give a very negative and uneducated view of Austin locals.

Its ironic the people's who's advice should be taken are usually smart enough to avoid the coed section all together and spend most of their time doing actual business. Originally Posted by priv8dancer

Oooh, passive aggressive cheap shots in the form of mansplaining and assuming ones state of existence. Cuz this wasn't what I was referring to at all.

This was in no way shit-slinging, but an HONEST observation about both sides of the coin, providers and hobbyists. Why are you even bothered by the totally neutral post anyway, does it hit home?

You've done exactly nothing to help disprove my point, but you have provided a nice example of it in the midst of your faux intellectuality and instigating. Jeez, in the words of Miss V: somebody call the Waaaaahbulance!

Disclaimer: I have zero issue addressing the "unreasonable" ones in the same manner they address me.