
cajunmac's Avatar
Ok.. So I see that a lot of people go to AMPs. And, I have always wanted to. (Just something about it that I want to try.) But, I have always been under the impression that it's not the safest. I mean, you see busts in the news all of the time.
In the BTR area, is there actually someplace that is safe to go to? I do want to try this, at least once.
rambone's Avatar
Funny cuz I always thought a amp was the safest way to go...i been to many, never had a problem
myren1900's Avatar
AMP is probably the safest of all hobby activities. You don’t have to call, just walk in, so there are no records of you being there.You are just getting a massage which is perfectly legal.
The bust in Jupiter, FL with video surveillance that caught the Patriots owner is very rare, if not unique. Clients are rarely arrested during AMP busts unless they have outstanding arrest orders.

cajunmac's Avatar
I do see that a lot of people go around here. And, I assume, there is some "trick" or "sign" to let them know what you are looking for? As I said, I've been wanting to try this. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
They will always ask if you been there before say yes if you say no they usually wont offer extras
They will always ask if you been there before say yes if you say no they usually wont offer extras Originally Posted by Willweld
Not always the case. Its best to be honest because if they catch you in a lie then you are definitely not getting any extra. My first amp experience i was honest and said ive never been there before. Didnt stop her from teasing me and giving me extra.
Not really how would they know if ur lying... i always yes but its been a while been working.. or sometimes they say o heyyyy its been long time i c u and ive never been there before...
All you round eyes look alike. I would always say yes I have been here before. The more relax you are the more relax they would be.
For the total newbie saying "I have never been here but I have been to other massage places" is a safe answer, it says you are experienced but you might be a stranger to that establishment. Knowing what you like in terms of a massage (soft, firm, hard etc) goes a long way to breaking the ice. If the establishment offers a table shower, accept the shower as it also breaks the ice.
Rather than the term and (vague) concept of “safety,” I suggest you approach AMPS from the angle of “risk.”
Contrast with SWs. Robbery risk? High—up to being beaten, shot, killed. Ask the visiting (dead) Danish motorcyclist. Disease? Anybody who does uncovered with a SW is seriously goofy. (I say that having done goofy, but not in 20 years.) Arrested? JP used to set undercover bait chicks on Airline back when I was cruising. They always tipped themselves off, usually by their cleaner clothes and good running shoes. AMPS, by contrast, are generally low risk in all these categories. IMHO. Good luck.
AMPs are the safest way I believe.
Do nothing illegal, let them make them move. Just leave it open to interpretation.
Once in the room, or if required in the lobby, pay up front, with extra cash in your pocket. Pull it out to pay, and put it back some place other than your wallet, not in the same pocket it came out of showing it is not intended to go back with the rest of your money. You are planning to buy lunch later with that money right?

Get undressed and SIT on the table nude or be walking and turning off your phone, say NO INTERRUPTION, showing your phone is being turned off. then get on the table. No cop is going to do that.
...or. ....
Lay down and don't get under the cover. If they offer it say no thanks unless it is necessary. If so it is legit most likely.
If not you have a good chance. Now when the start the massage and get to your ass, moan a little say something like, VERY NICE, or AGAIN . Keep the words simple, not long sentences, you will be face down.
You have done nothing illegal, I don't think, and they will know you are here for more than a massage. Eventually if more is offered you will know.
BAck when it was $160 for everything, I'd give her that upfront then everything happened. Did that for years with always the same results
Those were the days...