Parler is working with the some on here have something to fear?

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  • 01-15-2021, 07:01 AM
Some of our Proud Boy posters are close to putting their foot on the line...

But the knowledge that Parler is cooperating with law enforcement for cases related to the Capitol insurrection could create problems for the social-media platform.

Parler has a large user base of far-right extremists. The Department of Justice says many of those people used the platform to organize violence at the Capitol.

It has also become a haven for people barred from other social-media outlets — such as Lin Wood, who has spread conspiracy theories about the 2020 US election and used Twitter to call for the execution of Vice President Mike Pence and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts — as well as right-wing media personalities, such as the Fox News host Mark Levin, who believe they can't freely express themselves on other platforms.
yeah, my fear for society is you are still out walking around
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  • 01-15-2021, 07:12 AM
yeah, my fear for society is you are still out walking around Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You sound like George Zimmerman's roommate.

Hands up, don't shoot!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
What are the chances someone on here took part in the violence at the capitol? It was a 99.99% peaceful protest.
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  • 01-15-2021, 07:31 AM
What are the chances someone on here took part in the violence at the capitol? It was a 99.99% peaceful protest. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
What are the chances of losing your leg to a fish bite while swimming in the ocean? Less than 1% ?

But the % goes up when you swim in Great White Proud Boy territory.

This forum is a target rich Proud Boy posting platform.

Are you a Great White Proud Boy supporter?

I 100% agree that it is a small % of violent protesters at the Capital...just like there was a small % of violent posters at BLM rallies.

When will you acknowledge that fact?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What are the chances someone on here took part in the violence at the capitol? It was a 99.99% peaceful protest. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
That is a lie.

Please demonstrate the math. Looks like you’re suggesting 9,999 Peaceful protesters for every one who attacked the Capitol. Doesn’t add up, period. Unless you’re still having through orange colored classes.

Parroting the impossible claims by Trump’s bullshit machine displays ignorance.

If you honestly believe that, then we’ve learned something important about you, “Strokey.” So that’s probably a good thing.

Thanks for your reminder of that. Extreme social media is a bit of a contradiction, don’t you think?
What are the chances someone on here took part in the violence at the capitol? It was a 99.99% peaceful protest. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Zero because these keyboard warriors are all talk.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's impossible to do the math, because no one knows the number of people that attended either protest. Nobody calculated 99.99% during the BLM/Antifa protests. That's just something people started saying. So, why is it a huge deal to start saying it again now?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's impossible to do the math, because no one knows the number of people that attended either protest. Nobody calculated 99.99% during the BLM/Antifa protests. That's just something people started saying. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Just like “the election was rigged.” People started saying that too.

And you believe it, or are you simply repeating it because it makes you think youre “edgier.” Or you’re trying to impress the other Trumpists on ECCIE, the Parler of Pussy.

If you’re playing, you’re playing a bad game very poorly. If you’re not, then you understand very little.

Do the math. And, remind me again of that place in Bethesda... right!

You’re fooling nobody.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The news media was claiming the BLM/Antifa protests were 99.99% peaceful, which was not based on an actual calculation. There's no way of knowing the percent that was peaceful. Just look at the damage and decide for yourself.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
nice edit btw LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The news media was claiming the BLM/Antifa protests were 99.99% peaceful, which was not based on an actual calculation. There's no way of knowing the percent that was peaceful. Just look at the damage and decide for yourself. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Then why are you repeating something for which there is no proof, nor indication that it might be true?

Kinda irresponsible there, Mr. President!

You’ve really run out of places to post, haven’t you, Donnie?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar

I don't really think either protest was peaceful. I am just pointing out the bias. No one would dare label BLM and Antifa domestic terrorists just a few months ago. Now, there is an enormous response, when the destruction comes from the other side.

Both riots have different causes and come from different sides of the political spectrum, but physically they are the same. They are people filled with anger and hate who want to destroy. Only one will receive an appropriate response.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, you have made this claim numerous times since the attack on the Capitol.

Now you’re admitting it’s bullshit.

So is the false equivalence promoted by the remains of the Trump Reich.

Get over this,”Strokey.” Trump lost and has taken you down with him.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The claim that there is a media bias and that many on the left, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, supported the BLM/Antifa protests and riots isn't bullshit. They got away with it by claiming the protests were 99.99% peaceful, which wasn't based off of a real calculation.

So, why can't I get away with calling this new protest and riot 99.99% peaceful?