A thread for the gym rats!

So I've been hitting the gym pretty hard lately and my libido has been skyrocketing.

I'm curious if those who go to the gym, be it semi-regularly or religiously, find your libido doing the same and if you hobby more because of it?

Now I just need to find a gym rat with an at-home gym, so we can do an hour of exercise to get the juices flowing, and then transition to reps of a different stroke

xoxo (+ a big o'l Meeeeowwwww!),
whitechocolate's Avatar
Working out definitely lifts your libido. If you workout with members of the opposite sex, the pheromones pour out of your and their bodies in the sweat and from more private areas making you want to devour them on the spot. Sugar Beth, whether you workout at an at home gym or a more public gym, it shouldnt stop you from making a quick transition. It depends on how ravenous you get. You can always fined a cozy corner
burkalini's Avatar
I run 5 to eight miles 3 or 4 times a week. I find that it keeps my dick working fine. At 59 that's a good thing
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
I hear that Burkalini. I'm a runner myself and libido has never been an issue. Btw, what are little blue pills?
txhunter56's Avatar
I hit the weights 3 -4 days a week and cardio a couple of days each week. Makes me feel great and in shape. Unfortunately, no home gym. I go to 24 HR Fitness.
setman's Avatar
Setty only exercises to look good naked.

Enjoy yourself.

Be safe.

Stay cool.


Cpalmson's Avatar
Yes, working out does help with the libido. I usually workout on my own-- running. However, the other day, I had to venture into a local gym. Golly, gee, oh mighty. I've never seen so many hot looking women in their later 20s to mid 30s. It was like MILFs on parade. You could almost smell the sexual energy. Of course, my first thought was, do any of these fine ladies put out or provide
adult146's Avatar
That would be an interesting survey. How many ladies at the gym during the day are actually providers or Sugar Babies.
When I used to work out regularly it definitely boosted my libido. You feel better about yourself and you're releasing all those endorphins.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Fraid the only parts of me that see regular exercise are my liver and my right arm from the elbow down.
DallasRain's Avatar
I don't "work out regularly" but i do walk regularly.....it does get me "refreshed" and "revved up"!

Sugar....let's see pics !
In addition to everything else that's been said, going to the gym raises your testosterone levels.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Working out with weights definitely will increase testosterone levels. I personally workout daily and intensively but try to avoid peak hours. At peak hours, the gyms are filled with fitness model types, dancers and all sorts of hot gals who often are very friendly. Have on occasion run into gals who admitted being providers.
Setman-- that poster of the guy is hot!

Dallas-- after I lose 8 pounds of winter weight and look a lot more cut then I'll do some full body pictures. It's funny, all through the winter, I'd still have clients and people ask, "do you workout a lot?" and I wasn't. I just am lucky to have a waist to hip ratio that works in my favor, and some nice thighs (even when I'm going in the direction of, what is, to me, chubby which is still much lighter than most civvie women.) Plus, Dallas, you have the type of ass that looks like you take the stairs all the time

WhiteChocolate-- yeah, people have been very friendly at the gym but not pushy. Also have been really happy not to have any weird come-ons from douche-jockeys like I used to get in and around the college gym. I did find it interesting that I checked out one gym that had two levels-- one for cardio, one for weights. I didn't like that as much that had them side-by-side; I think that, aside from making it easier to hop between the two sides, I was probably getting some of the benefits of the pheromones in the air I do kind of wish that they had a femme-only steam room though. The guys I've "steamed" with kind of stunk in a non-pleasantly-clean-sweat way.

Satyrrical-- time to switch to moonshine and start lifting gallon jugs

txhunter--great avatar. I do have to say that aside from endurance (I've got to test out my possibly improved endurance at asian cowgirl), I'm realizing how long I've let my flexibility slide away from me. I used to be crazy flexible and I'm slowly working my way back that way.

I worked weights pretty hard this week (for me), so I'm going to relax into some cardio for a few days. So this way, when I do get horny, I have the energy to do something about it! When I do weights I just want to call one of my FBs, and say, hey, I'm going to lay here while you make me feel really good, m'kay? Just be my own little "service provider," and then lock the door on your way out
whitechocolate's Avatar
Sugarbeth, your body looks hotttttttt and tight now. Would love be alone with you and your pheromones in a steamed filled sauna