Getting paid for what you're good at and taxes...

Ok so this retirement stuff is boring as hell. I have to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and I am having a hard time doing this. Everyone tells to figure out what I’m good at and enjoy. Then learn to get paid for it. I have but they say noooooo Jacqueline it’s illegal, immoral and insane. My response to them is that it’s not anymore insane than swimming with sting rays. Only as immoral as every politician in the world. (And maybe Logan.) And only illegal because the politicians haven’t figured out how to regulate and tax it. So I am wondering what others here think about it and their suggestions to make it what it really is the oldest profession in the world.
1. Does Nevada have it right? Or are they at least on the right path?
2. Would providers mind paying taxes in return for the legality to shift and to maintain an industry standard?
3. Would hobbyist pay a hobby tax in return for the same?
4. If you would, what would be a standard you would like to see?
5. If you wouldn’t be willing what are your reasons against it?
6. What you say are the benefits and disadvantages of the government in the hobby?
7. Do you think if the social taboo were removed if it would be nearly as popular as it is
because the thrill of getting caught adds to the excitement of it?
true_whatever's Avatar
1. Does Nevada have it right? Or are they at least on the right path?
2. Would providers mind paying taxes in return for the legality to shift and to maintain an industry standard?
3. Would hobbyist pay a hobby tax in return for the same?
4. If you would, what would be a standard you would like to see?
5. If you wouldn’t be willing what are your reasons against it?
6. What you say are the benefits and disadvantages of the government in the hobby?
7. Do you think if the social taboo were removed if it would be nearly as popular as it is because the thrill of getting caught adds to the excitement of it? Originally Posted by JacquelineWhatever
1) Yes. Many countries have legalized prostitution as well, such as Germany and Singapore (just off the top of my head). It usually leads to medical regulation of some sort, but there's always areas and establishments that operate in the grey.

2) Can't answer that

3) Yes, and hopefully it would provide some benefit to the providers in the form of increased safety - physical and/or medical.

4) Standards? Not sure. I have no standards!! Just kidding. Um, are you asking what % tax I'd be willing to pay? Or the regulations that would pop up? I'd say at the very least the ladies would have to be able to prove that they are of legal age, have consented to the profession, and undergo some regular medical exams for THEIR benefit. For the dudes, not sure. Maybe proove they aren't a sex criminal?? Not sure how that would be enforced...

5) n/a

6) Benefits I stated above. Disadvantages would be increased cost all around. Guys would pay more and girls would take home less. Also, suddenly legalizing it wouldn't immediately (or ever) remove the social stigma. So those guys who would prefer to remain anonymous might be forced into the shady practioners, thus increasing their risk I guess?

7) If the taboo nature of it were to suddenly disappear tomorrow, I doubt it would have any impact on the profession AT ALL. I don't know of a single hobbyist that does this for the thrill. We all do it for various reasons and motives, but the thrill of being "naughty" is often not a primary or even relevant motive.
I think if prostitution was legalized, the stigma would still be there. Many guys would still want to hide behind a handle. Many ladies would also prefer to hide behind there handle. In both cases though, more would come out form the shadows.

I think price would come down. Would price be reduced by more than the tax rate? Probably.

Cost for the ladies might come down some since they would not have to work so hard to hide, screening would just be to make sure the guy is not a pervert or out to hurt them, no longer worried about LE.

LE would probably focus more of their efforts on the illegal drugs involved, etc.
Guest091314's Avatar
I think it has its good and bad points if it were legalized. We all would have a pimp (uncle sam) and rates would go up to make money after being taxed. I say that there should be a monthly permit for providers, like go to the health dept and having a full std test every month. That would ensure that we are healthy and they get the money for "permits". Hotels would make more money then they already are, and maybe the economy would get a little bit better.

I could go on and on but then it would turn into more of a blog for me LOL! HHHMMM Thats an idea!
2 and/or 3) Would the ladies have to document who paid them when they paid their taxes? Or would the hobbiest have to declare it somewhere? For most of us, there are other reasons for anonymity (SOs) and I don't think their attitude to it would be changed just because it was now legal. Taxation would be too big a risk to anonimity, so I vote no.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 05-06-2011, 10:37 PM
2. Would providers mind paying taxes in return for the legality to shift and to maintain an industry standard? Originally Posted by JacquelineWhatever
Actually... providers are supposed to pay tax now! I'd bet very few do, but legally they are required to. There are many businesses that have been stopped, not by Law Enforcement, but by the IRS. Be careful ladies... being able to pay a variety of bills, with no documented means of how, is just asking for problems with the IRS.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rather a pet peeve of mine, but as to item 2, providers should already be paying taxes. I pay my taxes, why shouldn't you?
"... and maybe Logan."

Now that's rich!
Macgregor's Avatar
Rather a pet peeve of mine, but as to item 2, providers should already be paying taxes. I pay my taxes, why shouldn't you? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I pay taxes every year but there isn't a code for providing. I always end up just using 999999. What would the hobby fall under? Entertainment? Personal service assistant? Retail bussiness?
I was once told
"the IRS doesn't particularly care if you are doing something illegal.....they just care if you don't pay your taxes".
Law enforcement is seperate from the IRS. Although, not reporting your income could lead to many eybrows being raised.

I paid $8K in taxes for 2008 and owe a buttload for 2009. I file every year so Big Brother won't put me in time-out.

Legalizing prostitution would not make that much of a difference for me financially except that perhaps my business might slow down due to the change.

I agree with GoAhead.....and TigerCat...
The reasons for anonymity would be still be there because of SO's and so forth. Legalization would affect that and give the government even more reasons to stick their nose in our BIZ.

Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm sorry. Question #3 isn't registering. Why should a hobbyist pay taxes under these circumstances?

Now, if hobbying can be a write-off....
I think if prostitution was legalized, the stigma would still be there. Many ladies would also prefer to hide behind there handle. In both cases though, more would come out form the shadows.. Originally Posted by tigercat
my thoughts exactly. legalizing it means i have to "admit" to this taboo world im a part of.
i wouldnt ever put it on a resume.
--works well with others (aka i took part in a gang bang)
--great at public speaking/conducting meetings (aka i ran the show)
--excellent use of microsoft word, excel, powerpoint (aka i wrote my own ads)
--excellent at bookkeeping (aka i always collected the money upfront. i also maintained an incall AND a residence)
--proficient at marketing & sales (aka i was an independent & never had a pimp)

maybe providing isnt so bad after all
OldGrump's Avatar
I can see the IRS getting on the hobbyists because they failed to file 1099's with the providers to whom they paid more than $600, SS#s & all.

We don't need the government getting involved. There is enough screwing going on just fine without it.
pmdelites's Avatar
*** if it were legalized, then women & men working in that industry would be performing legal jobs, just like being a bartender, cigarette vendor, blackjack table dealer, casino worker, etc. there might be moral stigma to it, but it'd be legal.

*** depending on how the govt would set it up [and you know it would be complicated], the provider could either list a single fee [that includes any per session or per cum tax] or a fee plus tax, just like in a restaurant. gratuities would still be optional.

*** and just like any restaurant or business that accepts cash, i dont see that the provider would have to list anyone who visited them. and i sure dont see why the client would have to file 1099s for all the women he visited - he isnt hiring them as independent contractors, just like i dont hire my barber, doctor, or massage therapist. unless, the govt was the providers to keep track of who visited them [and they'd prolly say it was for health reasons].

*** "If you would, what would be a standard you would like to see?"
i'm guessing you're talking about a standard tax. who knows - it could be a per visit tax or percentage tax [more likely]. 5-10% prolly.

*** Do you think if the social taboo were removed if it would be nearly as popular as it is
because the thrill of getting caught adds to the excitement of it?
Like i said above, just cos the govt might make it legal does NOT mean it would lose it's moral or social taboo. brothels in NV as well as strip clubs and all-nude clubs are legal but they sure arent free of any social/moral taboos.
guys and/or gals would still flock to adult sex providers, unless the tax was prohibitive. which would be one way for the govt to reduce the business [like they are doing w/ cigarettes].

in the meantime, party on!!