How Much Would It Cost for You to Go on a Trip with me?

luv2luv's Avatar
Was just in chat and the subject of taking a provider on a vacation with you came up. The question I had was the cost. Some ladies have a daily rate that goes into low to medium four figures. I can't afford that.

What are the things that factor into your cost? Location? Length of trip? Quality of accomodations? And what's the best way to approach a provider about it? I don't want to insult anybody.

Personally, I travel one to two weeks a month, both in the continental US and abroad, as well as the Caribbean. How would be the best way to travel with a companion?

Your thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated.
Very good subject. I was just discussing this with a gentleman friend of mine the other day.
I think that the best way to go about this is to first off, be pretty comfortable with the provider you are going to take. At least 2 lengthy sessions (or more) with her - to ensure that you guys get along nicely without any hang-ups. I myself have been on a few trips and usually they pay the airfare, the hotel accomodations, food & drink + whatever donation I may request. Whether that be in the form of "a day of pampering at the spa"..or..."a day of shopping"...or a monetary amount. I personally like to give the guy options.

Heck, usually I am just so happy to get out of town and get away I'm pretty laid back about the whole thing!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I would guess a majority of women would be out of my budget as well. Considering most overnights are over $2,000 + depending on the lady. I have thought about this as well but, the thought of shelling out $10 Grand quickly brings things back to reality.
This has cropped up for me on a number of occasions and my answer[ my answer only applies to no other ladies] for a week long trip I expect all expenses as far as travel, hotels, food and any entertainment to be at his expense, My donation is reduced to a low four figure number, as far as all the other little questions we agree on all that before we set sail.
pmdelites's Avatar
Heck, usually I am just so happy to get out of town and get away I'm pretty laid back about the whole thing! Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
true true true.
and i enjoyed laying you on your back :^)

back on topic....
many many many moons ago, i worked on a project in another city for several months.
i flew my fav at the time to the city on a sunday and she stayed until wed afternoon.
i had an appt, so lodging was covered.
i bought all meals and gave her $200 spending cash.
since neither of us had done it before, so i suggested 1500 consulting fees.
she accepted.
we consulted sun nite after she arrived, mon nite [then visited her god-daughter], tues afternoon [told my client i wasnt feeling good, went to the apt and got a gloriously deliteful bj tc cim], tues eve, and wed before she left.
from my point of view, it was a grand bargain that i dont think i'd be able to get these days.
i know i had a deliteful time. she told me she really appreciated the vacation as well as the pampering and loving.

unfortunately, i quit consulting w/ her when she started calling out of the blue asking for money for car payment, rent, etc.
ca1962's Avatar
I think that the best way to go about this is to first off, be pretty comfortable with the provider you are going to take. At least 2 lengthy sessions (or more) with her - to ensure that you guys get along nicely without any hang-ups. Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
If there is one piece of advice to pay attention to on this thread, the above quote is it. In my experience, nothing brings out the true colors (good and bad) of a woman than going on a multi-day (or week) vacation together. There is a huge difference between spending a few hours with a woman and being with her 24/7.
Does she want to stay up all night and sleep until 11:00am? Does she just want to lay by the pool or on the beach all day? Is she a super-picky eater? Does she snore? (Or do you snore and force her to move to the couch?). Is she constantly on the phone while you are trying to take in the sights of the city?
I'm not saying don't do it - if you click with the right woman and share similar interests, a great time can be had. Just make sure it is the right lady for you.
And for you ladies reading this - yes I know you can come up with a list five times as long regarding us guy's little quirks.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
If there is one piece of advice to pay attention to on this thread, the above quote is it. In my experience, nothing brings out the true colors (good and bad) of a woman than going on a multi-day (or week) vacation together. There is a huge difference between spending a few hours with a woman and being with her 24/7.
Does she want to stay up all night and sleep until 11:00am? Does she just want to lay by the pool or on the beach all day? Is she a super-picky eater? Does she snore? (Or do you snore and force her to move to the couch?). Is she constantly on the phone while you are trying to take in the sights of the city?
I'm not saying don't do it - if you click with the right woman and share similar interests, a great time can be had. Just make sure it is the right lady for you.
And for you ladies reading this - yes I know you can come up with a list five times as long regarding us guy's little quirks. Originally Posted by ca1962
I would say you and IP hit the nail right on the head. Although I have never done this I have considered. I think the one key factor is finding someone that you have visited several times and are comfortable with.
If it is a trip to a place that I would like to visit anyhow, my rates are obscenely low. I have to agree with the above advice though-- make sure its someone you click with.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
I took a provider to London and it was great. We clicked well before hand and had been together at least 5 times.

We discussed expectations in brutal detail prior to leaving.

I paid for all expenses incurred and we agreed on a reasonable flat rate for her time. Split the fee in 1/3s.

1/3 a week prior for her to buy the appropriate attire.
1/3 upon arrival in London
1/3 upon departure.

We had and still have a great deal of trust and I genuinely enjoy her as a person and consider er a great friend.
hookem69horns's Avatar
I'm still saving for a trip to Vegas, at Halloween, with my top three "friends"!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Its an interesting topic. I was pleasantly surprised at the responses I received from a similar thread I posted. I kind of look at it this way (right or wrong).
In my profession, I contract my services and there are times I am actually not working (on standby if you will). I expect to be paid for that day anyway. Having said that, I might make adjustments depending on the amount of work. My decision is based largely on the opportunity lost if I accept a contract.
If a lady travels with you, she will not have the ability to produce any income for the days she's with you. It is fair she be compensated for that. The question then becomes what is the acceptable rate per day?
As far as expenses go that should be a no brainer. The host should cover everything imo.
So, from a strictly business standpoint it is easy to see why the costs could go into four figures easily. That kind of expense is surely going to sting if the couple finds difficulty getting along.
Another thought is, well, she is being treated to a vacation. That should be worth something. Yes, of course it is worth something, but does she hold the same value of having a vacation with you as you do?
Its a bit of a blow to the ego, but guys, most likely, I think not.

As for me, I still may take a lady to the UK with me. I'll look at the expense and have to decide if it is worth the fun and adventure of travel companion.

berkleigh's Avatar
If you take me to Puerto Rico .... I won't charge you NOTHING!!!! lol

One way ticket and I stay there

But seriously, I have a daily rate or offer a vacation package that is quite reasonable.

Two hypothetical scenarios - how much would you charge? Assume First Class air travel.
  1. Week in Maui at the Four Seasons Resort, all expenses paid, including meals, drinks, massages etc.
  2. Week in El Paso, same as above

Without revealing actual numbers, because there are other considerations involved... either trip would be under 2K in my case. But then, I enjoy El Paso.

lol j/k