The Spirit OF Giving - Can you help?

With the Holidays QUICKLY approaching and the economy the way it is, there are many families out there in need of help. I am adopting a family (well 2 families in 1) for the Holidays and going to be offering some special "incentives" for those who would also like to contribute to these amazing people (and I do mean AMAZING!)

I am offering any gent an extra 15 minutes on any session with a $25 Donation for the Families (for my next trip to the area, which will be in January or February). I will offer extra incentives for those that are able to donate more.

I'm asking for online gift cards so that I can order some of the items and have them directly shipped to the family (they do not live in the area). If you are interested, please shoot me a PM through here and I can let you know how you can help.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read & have a HAPPY & SAFE Holidays!

XOXO Kourt
BobInKC's Avatar
Kourtney glad to see someone posting the spirit of giving that doesn't include themselves. I'm impressed. Ever since my daughter was young(she's now 20) we've picked the angels off the tree and have always worked locally(whether here or in Vegas) to help those that are in need all the time. Although not a Kardashian or anything she has never known more needing than being short a little money after all the bills are paid. 25$ isn't much. Don't get that domed drink for a week on the way to work everyday. Instead of plunking down 5-8$ for fast food toss it in the jar. I think most of the people on here are in a position to help those that can't help themselves.
Your first sentence isn't quite true Bob. In the wishlist thread, myself and another lady stated if anyone wanted to give us gifts, give to a charity instead or in Sins case, donate food.
Guest 101012's Avatar
You ladies have huge hearts..Glad to see so many warm hearts reaching out this time of year, I know we are grateful for the love that we all receive and want to pass it along to those who need it more.

Im truly impressed. Says a lot I think.
I have been getting emails asking how people can help anonymously. If you would like to make a donation, I am accepting AMAZON.COM gift cards (Can be sent via email with a fake name, so all is confidential)and if you would like to do so, please email the gift card to Every little bit helps! Time is getting closer and I would like to start having things shipped soon, so if you would like to help an AMAZING & DESERVING family in this time of need, it would be so appreciated!

Thank you again!

xoxo Kourt
RebeccaBaby's Avatar
Thanks to all who have helped so far, you guys are totally awesome and we truly appreciate it!

This holiday season the only gift either of us are asking for is amazon gift cards so we can use it for the kids. We are starting to order gifts and it is so exciting to know we are going to make these outstanding children very happy this holiday without thanks or recognition. It genuinely makes us feel good!

There are 4 kids and every little bit counts so any more donations or gifts anyone is willing to send would be welcomed with open, happy, and thankful arms

Happy Holidays All!
Operationsmile. Or amazon gift cards for hookers. Let's see who wins.
Happy Holidays!
You ladies have huge hearts..Glad to see so many warm hearts reaching out this time of year, I know we are grateful for the love that we all receive and want to pass it along to those who need it more.

Im truly impressed. Says a lot I think. Originally Posted by Busty Mary
Thank you honey! It's a great feeling to help others. Had I known it would feel this good, I would have done it more in years past. Perhaps it will be a new tradition for me
Anon3x's Avatar
Guys if your local and want to help and have some holiday spirit the Della Lamb Community Sevices is way short on donations this year. I hammered my clients and sub contractors for a week and have collected over 100 new toys to deliver on Monday for them. You can go to Dollar General, Big Lot's and other discount places and pick up good stuff cheap. Here's there website I applaud our local provider(s) with there efforts (Stacy-SOTF), not sure how comfortable I would be sending amazon gift cards out of state to someone nobody knows here. Am I being paranoid or just saying what others are thinking?
I understand you are hesitant, but actually, many people in the KC area know me. I have traveled to the area many times. I wouldn't have posted it here if I were not somewhat known here. Don't let the small amount of reviews (under my current name) and my short time here fool you. I have been around for years.

That totally got off topic and it's really not important in a post like this. There have been some that have donated and I am very grateful for that. Thank you AGAIN to those that have.

xoxo Kourt
Fastcar's Avatar
Anon3x,thanks for saying what I'm sure many of us are thinking. There are a hundred worthy local charities to help where there is no question where your donations are going. Do anonymous amazon gift cards sent to Oregon pass your smell test?
Also, I encourage anyone to donate to charities... Especially around the Holidays. Times are tough for a lot of people and I do think those of us that can, should donate what we can. I am not saying don't donate to other causes because the Lord knows so many people need it. This is just another one of those causes that needs the help. If you aren't comfortable with it, I understand and I do hope that you are able to give to other causes.

xoxo Kourt
I understand the world has become a jaded place due to a lot of bad people out there, but good grief, I would be a real piece of shit asking for donations here to not support the cause at hand. I am truly sorry I even posted this here. Kansas City is one of my most frequent stops and I thought that by posting it here, the many that do know me would possibly consider the cause. Even my regulars that have asked me what I want for the holidays, I have told them gift cards so I can put it all towards this family.

I am asking for the gift cards because the family(ies) don't live in my area. I had heard about them through a family member I know in a different state and having the items shipped directly to them is just the easiest route. Also, I am not just asking for free money. If you read my original post, I am willing to add on extra time, or even take off $$ off a future session on my next visit to those that do donate.

As I said before, if you are hesitant, than don't do it. This thread was not intended to put people down or accuse people during the Holiday Season of bad intentions. It was for those that wanted to help the cause. If you aren't comfortable with it, great, I hope you were able to help someone else this Season.

xoxo Kourt
Fastcar's Avatar
I'm sorry,I thought it was anonymous gift cards sent to Oregon. Now I get it. Anonymous gift cards sent to Oregon for somebody you heard about in another state.