The only assumption that makes sense is also the least complicated hypothesis (Occam's razor):

Obama believes it is fundamentally unjust that the Israelis should have nuclear weapons and the Muslim world should not. Everything Obama has done can be explained most simply as the actions of someone who wants Iran to develop The Bomb but can't say so out loud for political reasons.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Much like Carter's acceptance of Yassar Arafat helped create the international terrorism we know today, or like Clinton's insistence that Bin Laden be relocated to Afghanistan which helped launch the international war against the west, Obama is going to be a godfather to a nuclear, fundementalist Muslim terrrorist state. I imagine that, if we get the chance, we will look back in 20 or so years and think that Obama is a traiter....unless of course you've already chosen Allah then he will be a hero.
Thought you two were just bitching because there was a attempt to curb their nuclear program.