Why do some people think that sex addiction isn’t real?

I’ve been a hobbyist for many years. There have been times when I felt like it was getting out of control. Maybe it’s not a physical addiction like heroine, but it sure is hard to stop. Some people say it’s just an excuse for bad behavior.
Anthonymarkiop's Avatar
It’s normal to want pussy/sex
PGATS's Avatar
  • 03-29-2019, 08:43 PM
Are you a guy? Do you have a dick? Proceed.....
pyramider's Avatar
I’ve been a hobbyist for many years. There have been times when I felt like it was getting out of control. Maybe it’s not a physical addiction like heroine, but it sure is hard to stop. Some people say it’s just an excuse for bad behavior. Originally Posted by Skipskipper51
Because it is not an addiction. All sex addiction is an excuse for a fuckwaffle.
  • gc161
  • 03-30-2019, 12:46 AM
I touch my dick and balls quite a bit. I'd like to place the blame on being single..
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I like the sound of a fuckwaffle!!!!
My .02 yes sex addiction is real. If you don't think it is real than congrats because you don't have a problem.
LuciaConte's Avatar
It’s a simple rewiring of the brains pleasure circuit. Very real.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee ,guys and sex in our DNA , we cant help it some woman get it some don't
Subtlematter's Avatar
Medically speaking - more of a compulsive behavior
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
How do you define true Addiction - vs simply Enjoying it?

One online dictionary defines Addict as: "to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively"

I can think of several individuals (including myself) whom simply love sex, but I would NOT say are "addicts". I perceive an addict as someone who will completely allow the behavior to overrun all other aspects of their life, for example: spending all their Saving$ to get it, leaving work to get it, etc.

I would think most of us here ENJOY it but are not exhibiting Addict behavior.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Sex addiction is real. Just like being addicted to our phone is real, or being a shop-a-holic is real or being addicted to food is real.


It can start as a need to just to feel something different than what you're currently feeling, a momentary escape, but instead of picking up a bottle of alcohol or using something else, you turn to sex. You don't think rationally, you make bad decisions and all you can think about is your next hook up, even when you've already had 1 or 2 that day. This addiction can cost you everything.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-30-2019, 04:44 PM
If any ladies need to overcome sex addiction please pm me for help to cure the urge. We can help each other
I'm not addicited to sex. I'm addicted to helping single hot moms all I can because it feels so good
Carmella_love69's Avatar
It gotta be real because my ass stay horny af lol
Does anyone know where I can go for treatment for my compulsion? maybe someplace discreet ?