This is a BCD business exchange please remember that ladies and gents.

Gentlemen, lately there have been people asking about information regarding myself and my roommates. Please do not give out any and I speak for all ladies but specifically please do not give out MY phone number or any of my roommates phone numbers or my incall address to anyone. The gentleman are more than welcome to send me a private message or an email with their references. I will screen properly and get back to them, some gentleman we do not get back to because there are a few gentleman in the hobby who have become "stalkers". They have changed their handle names on us multiple times, there should be no reason that another man should contact another man asking questions regarding a providers phone number or address. He needs to contact us, if he has to contact someone else there's a reason for it. The hobby is exactly that " a hobby"... while I enjoy the company of my really good friends, we all come to an understanding that that's exactly what we are really good friends. I am a GFE provider meaning girlfriend experience. No I am not looking for a relationship. This is my business and I choose to keep it just that business. I would prefer for some of the gentleman to please leave the drama at home with their wife's. This is a strictly behind closed doors relationship. It is indeed an actual service and nothing more should be expected then a great time with compensation. I'm a very quiet provider, I do not post in boards outside of the "provider ads" specifically because I do not like drama. Unfortunately I have had to do that now...please just be very cautious when giving out sensitive information about others.

2short@desky's Avatar
Amen and thank you. Common Sense tops Emotion. Terrible that you had to post this
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
This is a PSA, not an alert.

Moved to COED.