yet another ghosting

Scheduled to meet Dreamy Hottie today. Up till now she had been good about communicating- sane, rational and timely texts. Today however no communications and then no show. Later she texted that her phone was broken (what phone did she use to text?) and she didn't have phone insurance or money to get it fixed

The names change but the music keeps on playing!
Tell me about it. I had an episode with her the other day… couldn’t PM you though
She texts me "Hey" at least once a week. I was going to meet with her before Christmas, but given some of the not so great press on here, I decided not to take the plunge. I'm glad I went with my gut.
Same experience here. We were going to meet before christmas. Texted a few hours before and she said she was on her way home. I texted but not a peep. I also get the Hey message about once a week. No thanks!
Thanks for the info guys. Its too bad - I had thought she was one of the same ones. Guess not

And thanks for trying to PM me Headred. Once I get PA status back again I'll PM you
I saw her a second time a few weeks ago. Supposed to be late morning, by the time she got here it was later in the evening. She fell asleep and some other nonsense. Was texting her to forget it when there was knock at my door and she was here.

Super annoying but I really like her skinny bod, and my dick really likes her. She gives good head and its
obvious she really likes having a dick iinside her. Plus I was super horny after waiting around all day... left a huge load in her pussy
Could anyone share her post link or number. You can pm me.
she gets way too busy in her hobby n drifts off.
Had same thing trying Cass from kennywood area, great communication until I was a min away and suddenly .just quit responding completely. Sucks as she was 20 min out of way
mulletman66's Avatar
who is this chick? does she have a link where i can see her?
So, it seems time and convenience are the other things we pay for hobbying
Honestly don't bother mullet man. She is on seeking, nice girl but I wouldn't recommend.
Scheduled to meet her today. But at last minute she let me know of being late (and only after I texted her to check if she was on time). She set a new time to meet - but I'm sure there will be more delays. I cant wait all day so I bet it won't happen today. Any takers on this bet?
Its now two hours past the time we agreed to meet. In the interim, there have been several new meeting time estimates that she has provided - all of which have come and gone. I am going to exit the game before the time warp becomes much worse

I guess the lesson here is not to schedule with her unless you are horny, patient and have nothing else planned for the day