Let me first say that this topic is a political topic. I truly stand behind the belief that we have to let these tax cuts to the richest 2% expire. I would just love to hear the reason(s) for those who are opposed to letting the cuts expire.
I honestly believe if the Tax cuts are renewed it would mean that the politician who are for thee taxes don't give a rats ass about the common man. It's the Middle class that is keeping these country strong. Either Obama- who has been running on the platform to cut taxes for those making under 250k which is the great majority of the country and hopefully he doesn't give in to the political pandering of the Republicans or their right wing counterparts the Tea party.
It's proven that under theBush years those 2% were not spending money nor creating jobs. It's very simple if you give a tax break to the middle class THEY are the ones who are going to stimulate the economy. It's so amazing how the majority and the Republicans and a few Dems still believe that we still need to give the wealthiest 2% of the nation a tax break- yep last time i checked Bill Gates and Warren Buffett were really struggling and living paycheck to paycheck- gosh they need help so bad.