Straight from the Fox's mouth

  • shanm
  • 05-25-2015, 03:45 PM
Here you have it folks: a former Reagan adviser and economist slams Fox News for what they are doing to the political landscape of this country. Bartlett is also the author of " Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy" and "The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward".

Keep in mind that this guy used to be a republican up until the Bush administration.

This time, the sentinel waking the commentariat to the alleged Fox menace is not a liberal but a self-described conservative, Bruce Bartlett. Bartlett, a prolific writer on politics and economics who has worked for congressional Republicans (Ron Paul and Jack Kemp), Republican presidents, (Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) and conservative and libertarian policy shops, broke with his party a decade ago when he leveled President George W. Bush as an opportunistic pork-barreller in his book Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy.

Fox News isn’t just bad for America, which is the usual liberal complaint. It’s also bad for the Republican Party, the still-conservative Bartlett holds, because it has stunted the GOP’s growth with a news agenda that ships “misinformation” to the party’s far-right base.

Fallows condenses the Bartlett message thusly: “When will Republicans who care about winning national elections, or actually governing, stop thinking of Fox as a help and start viewing it as a hindrance, and what will happen when they do?”
They'll just shout him down, as they do with anyone who brings a salient point. It's a shame, really. Fox will be the downfall. Conservatives and their resistance to any real change will bring about the downfall of this great country. We need radical change, not incremental pussyfooting.
  • DSK
  • 05-25-2015, 05:18 PM
They'll just shout him down, as they do with anyone who brings a salient point. It's a shame, really. Fox will be the downfall. Conservatives and their resistance to any real change will bring about the downfall of this great country. We need radical change, not incremental pussyfooting. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What is left to change? The downfall has already occurred.This is not a great country anymore.
Bruce Bartlett thinks Obaal is a Republican...
Gee, bets are he thinks thinks MSNBC is the bastion of truth.

I suppose they are, when they aren't acting as the shill for The Democrat Party, which as it turns out, is 100 percent of the time.
Gee, bets are he thinks thinks MSNBC is the bastion of truth.

I suppose they are, when they aren't acting as the shill for The Democrat Party, which as it turns out, is 100 percent of the time. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What if he doesn't. Then what?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Had to wait for someone to mention the name and I found what I think is the article....Sha-na-na must be so embarassed. I read the article and even thought Bruce Bartlett made some claims it is important and devastating what those claims are. Fox News (and their supporters) have always maintained that their audience is not just conservatives (liberals have always maintained that they were) Barlett confirms what Fox News has said in the past and currently.
Also Jack Shafer who wrote the article thinks that George Wallace was a republican in 1968 which makes me think that this Shafer is bat shit crazy or this article is a though provoking JOKE article which Sha-na-na fell for. More research is needed I guess

Yep, Jack Shafer is a liberatarian who writes in a humorous vein. So unlike Sha-na-na, take what he writes with a grain of salt.

Bruce Bartlett on the other hand did work for Reagan and what Sha-na-na lied about (omission is a lie) is that Bartlett doesn't think George W. was a economic conservative....well, most of us didn't think that either so welcome to the club Mr. Bartlett. We always thought that statement by Bush of giving on his conservative principles to save the country was a bad call.

Sha-na-na...what can we day girl, you're screwed up by not doing your research and hoping that no one would check up on your lying ass.
  • shanm
  • 05-25-2015, 09:35 PM
Had to wait for someone to mention the name and I found what I think is the article....Sha-na-na You're trying too hard. I know that you don't have me on ignore. You are a fibbing bitch who just can't help getting his ass fucked again and again. must be so embarassed. I read the article and even thought Bruce Bartlett made some claims it is important and devastating what those claims are. Fox News (and their supporters) have always maintained that their audience is not just conservatives (liberals have always maintained that they were) Barlett confirms what Fox News has said in the past and currently. That's not the point of the article. The article revolves around the misinformation and paranoia that Fox news is feeding to it's 80 year old viewers. I know it's hard but try to stay on topic
Also Jack Shafer who wrote the article thinks that George Wallace was a republican in 1968 which makes me think that this Shafer is bat shit crazy or this article is a though provoking JOKE article which Sha-na-na fell for. More research is needed I guess. Again, I don't know what the fuck that has to do with the point of the article but I'll play. Here's what the article actually says:
Another Foxy candidate on the 1968 general election ballot was George Wallace, who collected 13.5 percent of the presidential vote as a third-party candidate.
I wasn't alive in 1968, but I don't think they referred to republican candidates as "third party candidates" back then. I could be wrong

Yep, Jack Shafer is a liberatarian who writes in a humorous vein. So unlike Sha-na-na, take what he writes with a grain of salt.Where's the plane admiral?

Bruce Bartlett on the other hand did work for Reagan and what Sha-na-na lied about (omission is a lie) is that Bartlett doesn't think George W. was a economic conservative....well, most of us didn't think that either so welcome to the club Mr. Bartlett. We always thought that statement by Bush of giving on his conservative principles to save the country was a bad call.Admitting everything the article says and saying "I already knew that" isn't really the "amazing rebuttal" you wish it was, but thanks for playing.

Sha-na-na...what can we day girlI don't know, what can you DAY? , you're screwed up by not doing your research and hoping that no one would check up on your lying ass. Tell you what, if you can find one instance where I "lied" on this thread, I'll stop posting on this forum forever. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Had to wait for someone to mention the name and I found what I think is the article....Sha-na-na must be so embarassed. I read the article and even thought Bruce Bartlett made some claims it is important and devastating what those claims are. Fox News (and their supporters) have always maintained that their audience is not just conservatives (liberals have always maintained that they were) Barlett confirms what Fox News has said in the past and currently.
Also Jack Shafer who wrote the article thinks that George Wallace was a republican in 1968 which makes me think that this Shafer is bat shit crazy or this article is a though provoking JOKE article which Sha-na-na fell for. More research is needed I guess

Yep, Jack Shafer is a liberatarian who writes in a humorous vein. So unlike Sha-na-na, take what he writes with a grain of salt.

Bruce Bartlett on the other hand did work for Reagan and what Sha-na-na lied about (omission is a lie) is that Bartlett doesn't think George W. was a economic conservative....well, most of us didn't think that either so welcome to the club Mr. Bartlett. We always thought that statement by Bush of giving on his conservative principles to save the country was a bad call.

Sha-na-na...what can we day girl, you're screwed up by not doing your research and hoping that no one would check up on your lying ass. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He said in the article that he didn't think W was an economic conservative. The guy wrote a book about W's free-spending ways. Are you fucking retarded?where's the lie?

What bombshell do you think you've stumbled upon? That liberals watch fox news? Of course they do. You must know your enemy, you stupid ass. It's also like watching a car wreck at times, you just can't look away because you don't believe what you're seeing and hearing. The overwhelming majority of Fox watchers are conservatives. I don't think you've quite dropped the bombshell you think you did. Nice try, though. Better luck next time.

PS - what's a day girl? If I had the energy, I'd go back and look at how many posts in a row of yours contain one fuckup or another. I bet you've got quite an impressive streak going.
Bruce Bartlett thinks Obaal is a Republican... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I wonder if Obama would agree with that, lol.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Byron Allen just said that Obama is a white president in black face.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Most liberals do live in an alternate reality where anyone who disagrees with Obama or progressive ideology has eithes got to be silenced or is obviously crazy, racist or evil. See Powers book on the Left silencing debate....but you in your small bubble believe Fox news are the cause of all of American ills. Liberals used to want and stood for open exchange of ideas. Journalism and liberalism have long since passed as anything resembling openness and honesty.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sha-na-na...what can we say girl, you're screwed up by not doing your research and hoping that no one would check up on your lying ass. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
His "research" and "analytical" abilities fall short of minimal First Grade. He brought this "brilliance" as an "expert" ...

Post 168 on 4/15/15 ..."Who Is The Blame For Walter Scott's Death?"

Question posed to SHANM aka Shameless:
"What about a suspect running away and then fights with you when you catch up?

His Answer!! "....... better yet, shoot him in the leg, wait for backup and the paramedics. good ol' police work."

He runs his mouth about my "ass" getting torn up .. .like he's seen it!!!! I would even make him wear a blindfold when he gets the chance to kiss it!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Most liberals do live in an alternate reality ..... Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
.. Shamless's "reality" ends when he awakens, ...

....and he believes what he recalls during is coma.
LexusLover's Avatar
Byron Allen just said that Obama is a white president in black face. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As far as what he's done for the Black people IN THIS COUNTRY, Allen's correct.