
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
So hair is the one feature that draws me in. When I am searching (ok CSB?)threw showcasses I am also looking at how she wears her hair. Is it tied back (well maybe ok), up in a bun (no no no), flowing loos, or clasic modle blow back.

I am a long flowing hair guy, yes if she has long har I am atoumatically drawn in.
My first provider from ASPD was Nikki Knows, she had long blond hair past her ass, what a wonder.

So does your hair play a part in the way you market yourself? Does it even cross your mind that it is a big featuer that draws the guys in? (me)

Hair over tits

Hair over ass

Flowing hair

Hair over face

Messy hair, sex hair.

Pixie hair, cute.

Contained hair

Ponytail hair

Short hair

So you get the picture, hair is a big draw...for me and I love when a lady uses it in her favor.

I know some like to pin it up to keep it out of the way, I like it in the way, I will move it, hold it back, brush it way from you face while you do your thing. I'm not into pulling hair, some ladies like this.

So is hair part of your look?

Shuttleman's Avatar
Really like the mean hair on that first model.
IB, dude, would you please, for the love of fucking god, use fucking spellcheck?!?!

The Grammar Nazi
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
IB, dude, would you please, for the love of fucking god, use fucking spellcheck?!?!

The Grammar Nazi Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Party pooper

P.S, I get all my editing time so back off

( I have a hard time when in such beauty)

michaelbolton's Avatar
ouch, brutal...anyway, yeah hair has a strong draw...big hair, not necessarily long, for me, is super hot....though I think nearly all providers are on top of that, as an important aspect of general appearance and attractiveness.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
ouch, brutal.... Originally Posted by michaelbolton
I don't think she likes me that much

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I LOVE my hair...I NEED my hair.....My long hair makes me feel sexy and its my second best feature....
Whenever I take a dip in the lady pool I love big soft tits and long smooth hair

When I was a cheerleader back in the day I had super long thick hair like the first picture but sadly had to cut it as it was too long
mrhappysf's Avatar
It is really hard to type with one hand

IB, dude, would you please, for the love of fucking god, use fucking spellcheck?!?!

The Grammar Nazi Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Miss Valentina's Avatar
It is really hard to type with one hand Originally Posted by mrhappysf
I'm sitting here with my right hand down my yoga pants ringing my little Devil's Doorbell like someone's gonna slice it off tomorrow with a sharpened rock and I'm typing perfectly well with my left hand so no excuses.

Hair: I'm grateful for mine. Whether it's lovely or not is subjective but it is thick and glossy and to my bra strap.

In reviewing the many IB posts in which it appears his grammar crawled out of the dankest alimentary fundament of the English lexicon, I am compelled to wonder if this isn't some veiled attempt to start a side discussion such as:

"How to use an actual spewing rectum as a word processor."

"How the American public education system has really failed some kids."

"How well one can write English if English is one's third or fourth language." (in which case, high five dude, you're doing just fine.)


"How to draw forth the ghost of John Bonham from the pantheon of rock gods to kick you square in the scrot for SPELLING FUCKING LED ZEPPELIN WRONG!!!

Anyway back to hair....

I like luxurious gorgeous hair on man too. A visual symbol of youth and healthful vitality. I have a handsome friend I met here, let's just call him John, who has the most incredible head of hair and the pussy just flies at him from all corners of the earth.

I heard that if a chap travels to the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro , he can rub his balding pate twix't the nether lips of the tribeswomen that live there. His hair will be instantly restored to it's youthful abundance which will be the envy of all his friends.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It varies about my hair, however I like a half of it pulled up, out of my face, and the rest down.
But there are times that I like it down. But yesterday was a ponytail day where I just pulled it all back up.
michaelbolton's Avatar
"How to draw forth the ghost of John Bonham from the pantheon of rock gods to kick you square in the scrot for SPELLING FUCKING LED ZEPPELIN WRONG!!! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
This is great...I noticed that too the other day and convinced myself it MUST be some creative play on letters that I simply wasn't getting...sadly, my gut was right
I figured if I'd commented on the grammar/spelling way back when I'd be labeled a board bully.

I'm glad I bit my lip and held my tongue cause now it's on you girls. I can now retain my angelic board image

Love long hair. Had a crush on Jane Seymour in her younger years because of her long hair. She's still hot but that hair was a huge draw.

Same thing with Amy Irving's character in Yentl (Long curly hair) but only for that clothed character. Her naked body was horrible in the movie "Traffic"

For me it's eyes, full lips, hair, nice firm round ass and an hour glass figure (Small waist) especially on a petite frame.

Give me that combo and I'll propose marriage on the spot or at least give you the access code to my bank account.

As long as tits aren't sagging, fattie tits or looking like fried eggs I'm pretty flexible.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I'm sitting here with my right hand down my yoga pants ringing my little Devil's Doorbell like someone's gonna slice it off tomorrow with a sharpened rock and I'm typing perfectly well with my left hand so no excuses.

Hair: I'm grateful for mine. Whether it's lovely or not is subjective but it is thick and glossy and to my bra strap.

In reviewing the many IB posts in which it appears his grammar crawled out of the dankest alimentary fundament of the English lexicon, I am compelled to wonder if this isn't some veiled attempt to start a side discussion such as:

"How to use an actual spewing rectum as a word processor."

"How the American public education system has really failed some kids."

"How well one can write English if English is one's third or fourth language." (in which case, high five dude, you're doing just fine.)


"How to draw forth the ghost of John Bonham from the pantheon of rock gods to kick you square in the scrot for SPELLING FUCKING LED ZEPPELIN WRONG!!!

Anyway back to hair....

I like luxurious gorgeous hair on man too. A visual symbol of youth and healthful vitality. I have a handsome friend I met here, let's just call him John, who has the most incredible head of hair and the pussy just flies at him from all corners of the earth.

I heard that if a chap travels to the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro , he can rub his balding pate twix't the nether lips of the tribeswomen that live there. His hair will be instantly restored to it's youthful abundance which will be the envy of all his friends. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Miss know it all, I did not think you would pick on a challenged person, I have been picked on for years here about my posting, spelling Does as Dose vs, I see things and my brain says it's fine, then a while later I see it and go" what the fuck" and yes I'm illiterate, dumb, have no teeth, live in a trailer. So keep on picking on me, your not the first or the last. And I crossed the boarder wet and by a coyote

Mr Peabody's Avatar
While shimmering brown mid-length hair is my favorite, there are times that red or blonde hair with dark roots showing is a big turn-on. Where the hell do these sub-conscious fetishes come from?

By the way, I am speaking head-hair here.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
While shimmering brown mid-length hair is my favorite, there are times that red or blonde hair with dark roots showing is a big turn-on. Where the hell do these sub-conscious fetishes come from?

By the way, I am speaking head-hair here. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody

Darn it my roots are coming in white