Truth in advertising

illuminati's Avatar
"The best you'll ever have"
"Let me make your dreams come true"
"No one does it better than me"
"The best _______ in town, guaranteed"

This list could go on, and I'm curious about it for two reasons: 1) why do the providers make outlandish promises when the truth is "my dreams won't come true if I have sex with you," and 2) do the guys buy into it when deciding to see a woman who uses such marketing tricks?
Hey now, we all know I'm the best bbbj in Austin
black sunshine's Avatar
Prove it.
illuminati's Avatar
Hey now, we all know I'm the best bbbj in Austin Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I definitely agree!
Deznuttz's Avatar
Most woman project a high level of confidence. I wonder if this is from men filling their head full of compliments to get some ass or what. Too many women in my past have talked them self up something special, and when it goes down, they were a dudd.
I'd guess the same would go for guys too.
I would take what is written with a grain of salt. "The best bj", may be the best for one guy. But mediocre to another.
nuglet's Avatar
Hey now, we all know I'm the best bbbj in Austin Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I gotta get back over there to refresh the memory.. lol
illuminati's Avatar
The 30 second club!