Escort busted in the Carolinas

Naomi4u's Avatar

The Carolinas section doesn't get much traffic so I got permission to post this here.

She was under investigation for a few weeks before they busted her.
Just last week she posted an article about her restaurant on an escort review board
and a few days later she was arrested.

Be safe out there ladies!
shorty's Avatar
How can you have a degree in Nursing and be so ignorant about posting an article about a restaurant that you own in an escort site. Makes you wonder what else she was ignorant about in providing.
Naomi4u's Avatar
How can you have a degree in Nursing and be so ignorant about posting an article about a restaurant that you own in an escort site. Makes you wonder what else she was ignorant about in providing. Originally Posted by shorty
I saw a few of her posts on that review site. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that she had some issues/a lot going on. I was shocked when I saw that she posted the article about her restaurant because she showed her face on her website and her face was also shown on the article. Yeah .. not a smart move. I just hope that she gets through this and finds peace.
shorty's Avatar
You really need to put an alert out on her to fellow providers and hobbyist in that area.
London Rayne's Avatar
How can you have a degree in Nursing and be so ignorant about posting an article about a restaurant that you own in an escort site. Makes you wonder what else she was ignorant about in providing. Originally Posted by shorty
How often this very question comes to mind lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
How often this very question comes to mind lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Shorty, There are a lot of people that claim to have degrees. I don't know about Cissy but I know
some providers that do. Yes it's funny.

And here I thought this thread was going to be about you.
Naomi4u's Avatar

And here I thought this thread was going to be about you. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
(Knocks on wood)
Don't say stuff like that Charles!
shorty's Avatar
What I'm amazed at is people that do have degree's and don't have any common sense!! They maybe book smart but don't have any real world common sense.
gulflover's Avatar
I find the more degrees someone has the less common sense they have. Like my friend who has 4 degrees but has been known to literally sit at a red light for more than one entire cycle. And I've never known a PHD who wasn't a little bit squirrelly.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well I know a girl that boasts a medical degree. She can't even format a simple paragraph.. it's sad. Kinda makes you wonder if she really has a degree.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Common sense ain't that common remember.... lol.

And here I thought this thread was going to be about you. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 heart sunk a little when I saw the title.....
Nah I think Naomi is smart enough to avoid trouble.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nah I think Naomi is smart enough to avoid trouble. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Thank you. Yes I am. That is for damn sure!