Should women be allowed to hold a political office?

winn dixie's Avatar
Besides the obvious that theyre unable to function one week out of every month.
Women are emotional and easily manipulated. When faced with a real crisis they hesitate and/or flinch. Especially when in direct fire/fight they will back down.
Women rise to power thru sex. Thats what they rely on to advance.
Can America survive with such unstable, unpredictable and moody creatures running our Country? Look at aoc hillary and the squad.
bambino's Avatar
Pelosi stopped having periods 30yrs ago. She’s worse.
winn dixie's Avatar
Pelosi stopped having periods 30yrs ago. She’s worse. Originally Posted by bambino
The older chicks get the more nuttier

Perfect example
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I've met women who are less emotional than most dudes. These days, boys are taught that crying implies strength LOL.

All from the MSM.
Grace Preston's Avatar
LOL-- my nickname among my closest friends and family is "The Vulcan". Emotions aren't always an issue for us wimminz.
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL-- my nickname among my closest friends and family is "The Vulcan". Emotions aren't always an issue for us wimminz. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Diffusing and classy as usual.

Thread is made in jest
  • H&H
  • 10-22-2021, 01:31 PM
No but they help with the news stories. It is entertaining.
VitaMan's Avatar
Where did this idea come from - your recent exercise in frustration ?

It's hard when people badger you for things which you have not done or have no control over....right ?
Seems Winn is a prostitute stalker and harasser. Thats pitiful.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Seems Winn is a prostitute stalker and harasser. Thats pitiful. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Well...based on the first post in this thread, we know he's no genius!
winn dixie's Avatar
Well...based on the first post in this thread, we know he's no genius! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Should they even be allowed to vote?
Seems Winn is a prostitute stalker and harasser. Thats pitiful. Originally Posted by NoirMan
... HE MENTIONED this thread was done IN JEST!

... What's pitiful is how quick you are
to jump in with insults!

You're almost as sad as Sleepy Joe.

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
ts winn dixie doesnt feel she should vote.

hashtag Conflicted
Absolutely they should. Just not the stupid ones holding office these day all over the country.
Absolutely they should. Just not the stupid ones holding office these day all over the country. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Too right, mate... A nice lot of good ones in the
Republican party. And some shitty ones.
But more good ones will be coming on the horizon.
Now that the school meetings are ALIVE with Mums
who want a say into what the schools teach.

### Salty