Verify by Webcam

There's a provider I'm looking to get with that insists on setting up a 1 on 1 webcam session before we meet in person, the cost is reimbursed if we hook up. Reason being is if I were LE than once the two of us have had a legal transaction and something developed from there I couldn't bust her.

I'm a bit new at this and can't say I've heard that one before. She is leery of Backpage and Adult Search from undercover LE and claims to have been busted before. Sez her attorney suggested this was a safe way to screen clients.

The pics she emailed seem different than the ones from her ad, but nothing I can definitely point to other than hair color went from blondish to black. It's hard to tell that it's not the same girl but if these pics are legit then I'm ok with it.

She offers the usual wide range of services including BBBJ. As much as I'd like that I thought providers tend to want to cover things up for personal protection.

She seems legit but I'm not getting a warm fuzzy with this girl. Any opinions or suggestions?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Scam. Pay for webcam and you'll never meet.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-27-2014, 05:59 AM
Run away. Complete ripoff.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Ripoff or worse-- Identity theft.
burkalini's Avatar
Never Never Never
Yup what they said. Definite scam. Her "reasoning" that you couldn't bust her if you are a cop is ridiculous. RUN. RUN now and don't look back.
There's one additional level of verification: after she receives your deposit she'll want you to talk to her friend in Nigeria who needs your help in getting his $27 million out of the country.
joesmo888's Avatar
don't be naïve this whole thing makes no sense.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
In any situation, go with your gut. If it doesn't seem right to you, then trust your instincts. Sometimes, that's all you have.

Good luck. I'm with the others. I wouldn't do any web cam stuff unless you like that sort of thing. Sounds fishy to me as well.

pyramider's Avatar
I do the webcam thingie all the time, go for it ... what could possibly go wrong?
Damn, well thanks for the heads up. Like I said I just didn't have a warm fuzzy about this. So tired of the fakes and scammers but I guess those will just have to be weeded out and press on. Thanks again.