A moral dilemma: Bros before hoes

kerplunk13's Avatar
First, not trying to be offensive with the title. It's just an establish saying and quite catchy. On to the matter at hand. There's this provider in my area that I've been meaning to see. She is well reviewed and has good reputation for doing doubles which is why she is in my UTR. But the more I research her, the more I find out that I know her personally. She has some pictures on websites where you can make out her face even though it's blurred. And to top that has some very distinct moles across her body which lead me to believe it's her. I'm 90% sure she is the wife of a buddy of mine and they just got married recently. What my problem is is that she is very active as I'm seeing reviews of her weekly. I'm not sure if my buddy knows what her wife is doing and frankly I don't want to tell him as I don't want to jump to conclusions and to be the one who breaks their marriage. I was thinking of setting up a session with the provider to confirm my suspicion. If she is the wife then I will talk to her why she is doing this and does my friend know about it and give her a chance to explain. If she's not, all the better and we can just bang each others brains out.
I would not go down that rabbit hole.... akward as shit... been there done that. Will not do it again. Except she was a friend of the old B&C
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
Just make the apointment. Let her do her job! You keep mum! Let her do the talking! You listen! Take notes, come back here, share here! We'll go from there. But don't be that guy! You know the guy? Yeah don't be that guy!
One thing though! Ask if she ever goes by Foolish! Anywhere?
pyramider's Avatar
Go see her ... what could possibly go wrong?
kerplunk13's Avatar
I would not go down that rabbit hole.... akward as shit... been there done that. Will not do it again. Except she was a friend of the old B&C Originally Posted by rep0272
yeah, it's definitely going to be awkward and the more i think of it, the more I'm chickening out!

Just make the apointment. Let her do her job! You keep mum! Let her do the talking! You listen! Take notes, come back here, share here! We'll go from there. But don't be that guy! You know the guy? Yeah don't be that guy!
One thing though! Ask if she ever goes by Foolish! Anywhere? Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
Will definitely be not that guy and I don't think she goes by that.
kerplunk13's Avatar
Go see her ... what could possibly go wrong? Originally Posted by pyramider
Break up a marriage. that's one thing I can think of.
I'm thinking that if you do have the appointment and say fuck her, do you ask yourself how good a friend is he really?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-26-2014, 09:06 PM
Do not go there. Forget you saw the photos, cancel the appointment, and turn your attention elsewhere. Lots of possibilities could come out of meeting her and they are all bad. Don't go there.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I can see this playing out out 2 ways for you. One way is to stop all communication with her and stop seeing her. Bros definitely before hoes. Now ff she contacts you, be as vague as possible in your discussion and really listen to what she is saying. At some point, you might simply have to ask her. If she tells you that your friend is not her husband, then bring up your reasons why you think she is. If she does confirm that your friend is her husband, be direct and ask her if he knows what she does on the side. If he doesn't know, tell her you can't see her. If she says he does know, then you have a decision to make. Take her word for it and see her, or you could ask her if it is okay to mention to your friend that you know what his wife does. If she gets all defensive, you know she isn't telling the truth about him knowing. At that point, I would tell her good-bye.

The second way you could play this out is to simply allow curiosity to get the best of you. Go ahead and book a date with her, but don't let her know it is not a play date. When she arrives, confront her with you suspicions and then play things out as described above.

There is a third way to find out. Keep your date and bang her as if you didn't have any suspicion. Then after the fact, congratulate your friend on his recent marriage. If he is any type of real man, he will show you a picture of his blushing bride. If not, casually ask if you can see a picture. When you see the picture, you will know right then and there if the girl is his wife. If she is, your call on what to do next. Another thought is to first congratulate your friend, see a picture of his bride, and keep your date with the provider. When you meet her and she is his wife, your call on what to do. If she is not his wife, have fun fucking her brains out

One last question, if this guy is a close friend, wouldn't you have known about his upcoming marriage or at least met his fiancee? Sounds to me like he is more of an acquaintance than a friend. If this is the case, why concerns yourself if this chick is married to him?
pyramider's Avatar
Lay the pipe ... ijs.
Bang her already!

What ever happen to the other provider that was sending you random texts about missing you?
If your friends wife is providing and you tell him, you are not breaking up a marriage, she is. If he knows already, he will thank you for being his friend and set you up at a discount
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Do not go there. Forget you saw the photos, cancel the appointment, and turn your attention elsewhere. Lots of possibilities could come out of meeting her and they are all bad. Don't go there. Originally Posted by Old-T
Right... MYOB and find another provider to see. Why would you even want to know? That is creepy IMO.

Maybe it's her, maybe it's not. Maybe they have an agreement and a goal they are trying to reach, maybe he does not know.

I do know that if he does know, he is not going to yell to his buddies,"yo my wife is a hooker, and I'm ok with it". It's a very personal and discreet thing, that MOSt people don't put out there.

I'm kinda surprised at how many guys are telling you to be nosey. Makes screening a little easier for some of us ladies. Jeeeeeeeze

Unless someone is threatening to commit suicide i'd let it (her business) remain a secret!!!!

It's none of your business kerplunk13
FoulRon's Avatar
If you want to remain friends with this guy, do not make an appointment with the lady!
It sounds like you are close enough to both of them that you are already noticing distinctive features even in not so great pictures.
If you go ahead and see her, whether or not you fuck her, one of the following will happen if it is her:
She will do everything possible to keep you and your friend apart, for fear that her husband will find out about it. Even if he does know about what she does for extra money, he probably would not like knowing that this friend has fucked his wife, or even knows about her job.
You end up telling him that you know, and do he never speaks to you again.
Several others I'm too tired to go into right now.

How about this? Would you confess to your friend that you like to hobby with paid companionship? If he does know about his wife's activities, he might bring it up on his own. Or he might not. If he doesn't mention it, then he wouldn't be comfortable knowing that you know. Just don't be that "friend" that breaks up another friends marriage. Let her do that on her own.