Fake Identities to a Fault...?

Just curious about this on the whole, but mostly regarding clients. I understand the desire/need etc. for anonymity--to a point. However, when things look "fishy", and I dig deeper and find a fake name, attached to a fake company, with an ip overseas, and an address that is a small, low-income home inhabited by some un-involved family--even a fake FB and twitter...that is a little much, to me.

Why is this? I have had everything from that to full disclosure (many of the latter had S.O.'s.) IF I dig that deep--which is seldom, thank goodness, I ask for more qualifiers that they [I]might[I] pass with, like more solid provider refs, meeting in public first, etc....and, of course, they disappear. Who and why?

Any insight? Is it someone fishing for info, some jerkoff who needs a life, or a serious sociopath??! Bear in mind I am NOT referring to known, verifiable clients who have done similar clandestine overhauls on themselves for the hobby. I'm talking about my example--anyone else ever encounter this, or do you men hear tales of such? Just curious.....and wondering if this is a valid concern..?
If someone is adverse to meeting in public....especially after trying to dupe me....then I take that as a serious red flag.

Someone "famous" has a handler that takes care of them and wouldn't have to go to those lengths. Local and state politicians have enough co-ed lobbyists willing to TOFTT.
B.Wayne's Avatar
ive had people fish for info on me for some reason before. No idea why. but to their disappointment they most certainly came up with fake everything. ip, isp proxies internet ghosting the whole nine. what would require the need to dig for info like that out of curiosity? That's one of the reasons why I set up extra precautions for prying eyes. Not that I have anything to hide or that im trying to be deceitful, but I just don't see why anyone would need to poke around places that don't concern them. If something is fishy and you get a bad feeling why not just say no thanks and end it at that? why go through everything else?
I'm just curious. Like I said, I do understand the desire for anonymity. However, this hobby lends itself to many severely heinous happenings, from both sides. Some degree of identity must be met. For the clients, you at least have our photos, previous client "records" of sorts. Providers go blindly. Who is to say several men aren't sharing the same handle/number/email etc. I guess it doesn't matter, really.
Providers go blindly.

I'm sure some do but most make guys go thru a whole screening process. I've seen some ask for very personal info such as real name and or work info which is way to much info. Most guys have to build up references to see some of the higher end girls that require more screening. Without those references I'm sure they are out of luck. That is where sites like P411 come in handy.
Providers go blindly.

I'm sure some do but most make guys go thru a whole screening process. I've seen some ask for very personal info such as real name and or work info which is way to much info. Most guys have to build up references to see some of the higher end girls that require more screening. Without those references I'm sure they are out of luck. That is where sites like P411 come in handy. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926

You know what I mean... :-* "Blindly" as in they don't have photos, posted numbers etc. and, while references are very helpful, do you really know that the handle user your working with is the exact same guy another provider saw?

Moral of the story: Play Safely!
Some guys are just overly paranoid, just like some providers asking for photo ID and job verification (yes, that's a real albeit rare thing).

Is that a bad thing? To each his own. If you think he's being "too" cautious, don't take him as a client. But just like overzealous providers, the overwhelming majority of the time it's a guy that is just too paranoid instead of some sociopath with a nefarious agenda.
Some guys are just overly paranoid, just like some providers asking for photo ID and job verification (yes, that's a real albeit rare thing).

Is that a bad thing? To each his own. If you think he's being "too" cautious, don't take him as a client. But just like overzealous providers, the overwhelming majority of the time it's a guy that is just too paranoid instead of some sociopath with a nefarious agenda. Originally Posted by sketchball82

Yeah, I wasn't insinuating that type of thing IS indicative of a sociopath. I think I did say my peace with the men here who do that, known or not. And not that you said I was thinking that But, the red flags went up immediately, then he went away, then came back, so I was curious. Then upon actual, real life verification he sketchballed

Idk, like I said, just putting this on the radar. New shit happens everyday. Hopefully he is legit. If I thought it was serious, I would have info shared his digits to the ladies. But, I don't think philly girls even look at that ha.
Overwhelming majority. Great....
DangedDragon's Avatar
Do you mean using my VPN to Russia, bouncing off the server in Japan, only using the Tor browser, and having a briefcase full of fake ID's is overkill? Damn...there goes that James Bond feeling...

Actually if you want to know who I am...just ask.
I find that the men I see are waaaayyyy to forthcoming with their information. I've had clients give me their home address to meet them while the wifey was out of the country, I had one send me an email from his company computer with the paragraph of text at the bottom about the company. Most of these men are married and in professions that would/could be damaged if they provided this to the wrong provider.

I appreciate enough personal information to feel safe when doing my screening, but I really don't need to know what middle school their child is lead in the spelling bee, etc. I love that they feel comfortable with me and trust me enough to share such things, but at the same time I worry for their safety because the wrong girl could blackmail them or worse - ruin their lives.
Koontz's Avatar
I have to actively restrain myself from being more open, lol. I have no wife, no kids, my own place, etc.. so I'm fairly carefree. I just think it would be disrespectful to the hobby though if I put my own goofy face as my avatar. Anonymity seems to be important to the majority of hobbyists, so I'll play along. As far as providers go though, I'll give what's needed.
You know what I mean... :-* "Blindly" as in they don't have photos, posted numbers etc. and, while references are very helpful, do you really know that the handle user your working with is the exact same guy another provider saw?

Moral of the story: Play Safely! Originally Posted by PhillyChik
So your basically saying that you never really know what your going to end up with on the other side of the door? We'll guys have the same issue. Lots of provider use fake photos and numbers, most to protect themselves but I'm sure a few just to scam people. It works both ways, just part of doing business in the hobby.