Beautiful New Pics AND I show My Face! That's Right! I Did It!

You can check it out on my website and my p411 page. They have different pics on each so be sure to check them both out!
WOW!! Absolutely Stunning pictures of a stunning lady!
SunsetCowboy's Avatar
Love the pics Sweetheart!!!!
See you soon.
Aw, you didn't have to do that just for me. I remembered how lovely you are.
Nice job, Maxeen
knotty man's Avatar
absolutely stunning pics sweetie. i've always adored your face, now others can see why!!
ThrillBill88's Avatar
wonderful job Maxeen.
sterling1's Avatar
Max I love them !! You look fanfuckintastic baby !!!
Whooo hooo you look like a million bucks you hot sexy thang!

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-12-2010, 09:18 PM
Makes me want to poke you. Are you on facebook?
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 08-12-2010, 10:45 PM
You are gorgeous!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
So glam! Luv 'em.
To the provider and any other provider that wants to pm me and "highly recommend" I not do this I would like to tell you to mind your business. I am not new to this and have thought this out so allow me to run my business as I see fit. If I get busted or something goes wrong in my life you won't be bailing me out anyways.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Wow! I'm speechless. I've forgotten how lovely you are. It's been a long time since my last visit. I'm going to need to schedule with you real soon.

Oh and I'm below Maxeen.....
In response to a few emails I received I would like to answer some questions.

My pictures are artwork to me. I am very proud of them. Especially when I feel they communicate who I am and what I'm trying to say.

I plan for these shoots and spend money on these shoots. They mean something to me.

I am not new and do not need to be told how to make decisions or run my business. I take extreme offense at anyone that would think they have a right to do so.

My situation is very different from most providers because my entire family knows what I do for a living and they love and respect me anyways. So I don't have the fear of backlash like other ladies might.

If I get busted it will not be just because I have chosen to show my face in my pics. This is not what gets ladies busted. I have no stalker to worry about. I have no family drama to be concerned about. I have no vindictive ex looking for me. I have the perfect situation to allow my face to be seen and I chose to do so.

I feel his has taken some of my joy from this shoot as I was very excited to show it. I am trying for that not to happen.

Personally, I think it captured a lot of me. I feel it was done in taste and with class. I find them artistic and beautiful. I hope you do as well.