Blue Pills

So I have been lurking for a while and not really posting much. Partly because I am new to Austin, new job and I don't know if they monitor the interweb. So all my browsing has been on the iPhone and obviously that really isn't conducive to contributing a whole bunch.

So here is my problem. I've been with providers a few times before but I'm always hesitant to do it again. The problem really hasn't been the girls, it's that I haven't performed that well (never more than one shot and it goes too quickly).

This has never been a problem in my personal life and still isn't. I think it's that I'm so nervous because I'm new at it, that I can't really enjoy it. I have been toying with the idea of trying the blue pill for a while but can't get my doctor to prescribe it to me. He says I'm too young (30) not really in bad shape and that for me medication would be too much. He recommended sleep and more exercise.

The issue is I didn't really feel comfortable telling him why I really need it. I think if I use it the first couple of times with providers, I'd perform better, get over the nerviness and not need them anymore.

Any advise on how to proceed? I booked a nighttime appointment for tomorrow and I'd really like it to go well. If anyone in the area could help out I'd be much obliged.

And yes I just typed all this out on an iPhone.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
Find a smog mature provider that can be patient and work with you. Let the first pop happen and then you'll find the 2nd time lasts much longer, if it doesn't, go for 3 pops! Don't worry, some nights I'm a quick draw McGraw with the first pop, some nights first pop takes for ever and I'm just shy of 50 . One reason I prefer longer sessions....if a quick pop out the gate there's time to recuperate while still having fun with the other appendages and tongue and etc... LOL
sixxbach's Avatar
Try Stiff Nights. It is still out there. I had heard it was being pulled. If you can't find it, PM and I can tell you where to get it. The closest to Viagra out there IMO.

This is also being moved to the proper forum...

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I suggest that if you can pop more then once other wise..I say try rubbing one out before hand with in the re energizing time frame and then when you make it to the lady you will last a little bit longer....

You can also try in your alone time to rub out like normal but right before you are about to pop stop wait a few then continue keep stopping and starting as long as you can this will help build up the length of time from start to stop.....
Thanks all. I am going to try all of those and let you know how it goes
good luck to you sweetie!!!
Would appreciate knowing where is the cheapest outlet for Viagra.

Thanks PR
Would appreciate knowing where is the cheapest outlet for Viagra.

Thanks PR Originally Posted by pocket rocket
Cheapest viagra? No such thing anymore. Cheapest route is daily exercise, minimal stress and good nutrition for most reasonably healthy individuals.
Nuevo Laredo
I always like it if a guy can get the first one out the way and then goooooooo for much longer, so much more fun
Devin's Avatar
  • Devin
  • 08-27-2010, 01:18 PM
Send me an email I have some asian pills thats better than Viagra and Cialis because with this you can drink and it does not have effect. Still last up to 72hrs in system its the best to me very affordable to
Oh my...look who I am on top of and under hehee!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
BTW, regardless of if they monitor your internet activity or not, do not browse anything online you wouldn't want your employer knowing about.
Viagra isn't an illegal substancevthough so why wouldn't he be able to look it up? His work can't fire him for wanting a boner.....
Viagra isn't an illegal substancevthough so why wouldn't he be able to look it up? His work can't fire him for wanting a boner..... Originally Posted by Anonymous170
No, but they can fire him for not doing his job and surfing the net. Rumors can also get started about so and so who can't get it up, even though he just wants it for extended pleasure.