unsolicited call back, not a good idea

I was feeling frisky today so I picked out a couple of options before leaving the house to go to austin. when I was ready to play and called the options to make a decision. One of th options was platinumxclusive. They only had one provider working and it was one I wasn't sure about seeing. I just could tell from her pics so I said if I wanted to set something up I would call back. About 30 minutes later that provider calls me to tell me she is available and do I want to come see her. Seems to me they should know better then to call me like that. Whats next weekly text about specials. I've actually had providers that have done that. I had to text them back not too as it is bad prodicall to call or text a hobbyist as most of us are in some type of real relationship and will call or text them to set something up not the other way around.
Happened to me as well last night. A provider I have not yet met or spoken with who was scheduled to call early Monday for an AM appt. but NC the entire morn decided to text me late Mon. night (After my backup session with someone else) with an excuse and about booking for Tues morning which I no longer needed. Then she sent another unexpected late night text last night inviting me to come see her dance at a titty bar. This could have been a major issue if my GF had not gotten tied up and dropped by later than expected. The provider who seems wonderful is extremely popular and has been in the biz for many years so you would think this would not have been an issue. I guess one can never assume.
To those requesting the identity of the provider. Outing anyone in a negative light in the community is not an option for me unless they prove to be a threat to the community and I believe she is a major asset. Small world this hobbitland. It's enough that I already sent her a request to be more discrete in the future. I also sent a reminder to others I know as a preemptive measure. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. I only responded to this thread because it is a topic which can cause serious consequences if any provider has a momentary lapse of good judgement when it comes to unsolicited texting which is no safer than calling. Just remember girls. Unsolicited text messages are easier for an SO to intercept than a phone call but of course 99% of you know that and are smart about it . Have a perfect weekend everyone.