
This dude has wrote a fake review about me in the past and I had issues with him stalking me ...and today I received texts from him requesting a date I nicely declined ,he's still texting trying to get me to change my mind I am writing this alert to avoid any drama ...I'm here to work and don't need any issues!!
Thanks ,
I'm not saying anything bad about this guy ,I'm just saying because of our past I personally am not seeing him ....
myg0t.tron's Avatar
SAB, maybe read the sticky note left by our great MODS?

ADDED 02/26/2013:
Ladies, there is a separate section to post warnings and issues about Male clients. It is called the "Infoshare / Problem Clients" section and it is available to ALL Verified Providers. Male members have no access to this area. Please use that section to post information you wish to share with other providers. In rare circumstances, when you are concerned that there is a serious safety risk out there that should be seen by all, you may post in the "Alerts" section. But be warned that your post will face heavy scrutiny by a Moderator. This section has been used by providers to air gripes that they have with Male clients, and private information has been "outed" here. It ends now! Please use THIS section appropriately. When in doubt, post it in the "Infoshare." Or... ask a Mod first....
SAB, maybe read the sticky note left by our great MODS?

ADDED 02/26/2013:
Ladies, there is a separate section to post warnings and issues about Male clients. It is called the "Infoshare / Problem Clients" section and it is available to ALL Verified Providers. Male members have no access to this area. Please use that section to post information you wish to share with other providers. In rare circumstances, when you are concerned that there is a serious safety risk out there that should be seen by all, you may post in the "Alerts" section. But be warned that your post will face heavy scrutiny by a Moderator. This section has been used by providers to air gripes that they have with Male clients, and private information has been "outed" here. It ends now! Please use THIS section appropriately. When in doubt, post it in the "Infoshare." Or... ask a Mod first.... Originally Posted by myg0t.tron
Sorry mods, I did not know ...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There is also this one, one of my favorites

#31 - Often times in the hobby arena, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
Mods can you please pull this alert, I'm sorry !
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 04-27-2016, 06:00 PM
A provider advising members a Phony review has been written, is of interest to all members. therefore she did post in the proper format.

SAB you have nothing to be sorry about, thank you for the Info !!

Chica It seems to me your concern should be on the member who wrote a phony review, not where it was reported.

If the Mods would spend more effort on the members who post inaccurate information, Or members who repeatedly post with Multiple handles attacking other members or providers, this would be a much more pleasant place to share information.


Chica Chaser's Avatar
Chica It seems to me your concern should be on the member who wrote a phony review, not where it was reported.

If the Mods would spend more effort on the members who post inaccurate information, Or members who repeatedly post with Multiple handles attacking other members or providers, this would be a much more pleasant place to share information. Originally Posted by iggy
Iggy, I don't know that the review is phony, and neither do you. I wouldn't take action simply based on one persons accusations. The member in question is welcome and encouraged to post a rebuttal of the information presented, right here. And if something in that rebuttal opens up other doors that would warrant or justify any action, you bet I will. When it comes down to a "He Said / She Said" situation, there is just no way for Staff to determine what may or may not have happened behind the door. Just like you can't make that determination, neither can we. I'll be happy to do some investigation with both parties but Guideline #24 is crystal clear how we handle these type matters.

#24 - Disputed reviews will not be removed by staff unless the request is made by the thread starter. In situations such as this, the proper protocol for addressing a review in question is to post a rebuttal to the review in that city forum's coed discussions area. Staff will be happy to do some basic investigation to confirm the validity of such reviews, however removal will only take place when requested by the thread-starter or in extreme cases where it has been proven false, there is an admission by the reviewer that the review is indeed false, or the reviewer failed to cooperate with staff's efforts to confirm validity. In cases where a reviewer is found to have posted a review of a session which did not take place, or posted blatantly false information within a review, the reviewer will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of staff, which could lead to loss of posting privileges. Along those same lines, if the reviewed party is found to be making false or inaccurate claims to staff in an attempt to trigger staff action against a reviewer or the removal of a review, that party will also be subject to consequences, up to or including temporary or permanent loss of account access. These measures exist to preserve the integrity of the information posted in our review forums, and will be taken when these circumstances exist.
So we allow both sides to tell their story, and the readers can make up their own minds who did what based on the evidence presented and base their future actions upon that. If I locked or removed this thread now, without the accused being able to present his side of the story, that would be perceived as censorship/taking sides. And you would be one of the first and loudest screamers about that. You know it, and I know it.
This was a case of mistaken identity, and Ms Angelbaby has requested the thread be removed, and that satisfies me.
There's no need to rehash the past review in another 20 comments or disparage either person further. Mistake made, fix requested. Let's just wrap this up.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 04-27-2016, 08:06 PM
Chica I guess you got your answer.

I know I have made up my mind who is telling the truth.

" This was a case of mistaken identity, "

SAB never said that !!

If i was him I would try to run and hide too. LMAO !!


Chica Chaser's Avatar
This was a case of mistaken identity, and Ms Angelbaby has requested the thread be removed, and that satisfies me.
There's no need to rehash the past review in another 20 comments or disparage either person further. Mistake made, fix requested. Let's just wrap this up. Originally Posted by yrvitaming
Here is the review in question http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1208238

So it just a case of mistaken identity? In spite of the fact that the review is from 2014, and you have never spoke up until this report? And you clearly listed her Handle in the review, AND put a link to her Showcase? Sorry, no sale. This will remain as is.
Before everything goes crazy I'm going to just say this I was wrong I confused yrvitamin with another gentleman who did indeed stalk me , his review is correct I did Rob him for the money ...as we all know I went threw a really bad time a year ago and I made mistakes but I did correct them ..as yrvitamin will atest to ! Also if there's anyone else that I did wrong back then I do apologize ,I took advantage and I'm ashamed of myself for it but I have grown from my mistakes and came back a better provider then ever ....without the drama
...again I'm sorry
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 04-27-2016, 08:23 PM


Chica Chaser's Avatar
See iggy, this is why we don't just jump at the first hint of some sort of scandal. There is always more to any story. Everyone should know by now that we operate on the "You Post It /You Own It" theory. Everyone is plenty smart enough to read and decide for themselves here. And Sam, very nicely done.

Folks can all make their amends, I see no more need for staff intervention here.