PJ Media: Fall Forecast: An Anti-Leftist Electoral Rout

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

If I had to predict near-term American politics, I’d forecast an anti-leftist electoral rout this fall, with a nasty period of infighting and restructuring of the Democrat Party to follow.

It’s not easy to undo all this damage to American minds. Restoring a semblance of accuracy to scholarly endeavors takes a long time, and we’ve certainly lost at least a large part of a generation now living in an Orwellian universe. Those of our political and intellectual leaders capable of providing proper models are old and getting older, and their energy will decline.

A tough situation.

If you’re looking for Russian meddling…

Can’t win an honest debate. Only solution is silence us.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Thanks for the information. I looked up Michael Ledeen and found the following on Wikipedia. It will be interesting to see how his "theory" works out in November.

LexusLover's Avatar
The Future of the Democrats' Wave ...


There are some likenesses and similarities ....

gfejunkie's Avatar
Vote and...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Future of the Democrats' Wave ...

There are some likenesses and similarities ....

Originally Posted by LexusLover

who knew that she was half-donkey???!!! lol!
To go with the hat!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
To go with the hat! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen