It's tucked back.

tuckahoe's Avatar
Josey Wales words from another thread.
Reminded me of a true story.
Some years back I went to Nuevo Laredo Boy's Town for New Years Eve. A van took us across the border and brought us back. There was a particular bar famous for a donkey show (fortunately is was outlawed at the time I was there). The van driver warned us that the best looking woman in that bar was a man. One man forgot, and some others talked about the hot woman this guy went to a room with. I didn't see her, but kind of wondered about the warning. My group moved on and found some nice ladies to date. On the way home that man was saying it was the best sex he had ever had! After the driver dropped him off at his location, the driver said "If he was being totally honest, he would admit that "woman" turned the light out". "She" would tape "her" dick back and rub against "her" victim.
I felt sorry for the poor fellow thinking he had performed awesome sex with a beautiful woman, when in fact it was a man!
Josey Wales's Avatar
In a past life I spent some time in Panama. A coworker had a suspicious knack for always picking up women who had a little extra equipment between the legs. Made us all a little suspicious of the guy because it not only happened often but he wasn't shy telling us about it afterwards.
Crocodile Dundee showed how to check for that before the date went too far.
austin88998833's Avatar
tuckahoe's Avatar
Crocodile Dundee showed how to check for that before the date went too far. Originally Posted by Rockydoc Originally Posted by austin88998833
Crocodile Dundee says "Don't try this at home"