Friends With Mental Benefits

GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I had a conversation with a female friend of mine: she discovered that an older man (by about 20 years) has an office-crush on her, but he's never harassed her in any way or form -- he just thinks she an attractive woman. She explained that as long as it doesn't go beyond simple "appreciation" that it doesn't bother her.

I then pointed out (more so as a joke) that he probably thought about her during his alone time in the shower. She was a bit grossed out about the idea and revealed that she didn't even think of that possibility... which made me wonder if younger woman even realize the extent of a man's sexual deviance.

So, I wanted to ask the ladies of Eccie if they are aware of a universal truth when it comes to men, and what their thoughts are towards said truth:

If you are even marginally attractive in any way (most woman, tend to have at least one attractive quality), and you have male friends or co-workers --even if they've never hit on you or showed signs of wanting to sleep with you-- chances are, they've used you as spank material.

This is similar to the truth that if there is a man behind you: chances are, he's checked out your assets. Just the way it is.

Having said that:

1) Are you aware of this truth, or is it something that, for some reason, never really crosses your mind unless brought up in conversation or comes to light by someone like me pointing it out?

2) If you are fully aware of this; does it affect the way in which you view or interact with your male friends?

3) Do you refuse to accept this as truth and choose to believe you have male friends/co-workers (of the hetero variety) who never think of you that way -- that they're too sweet/respectful to ever think such things?
Britttany_love's Avatar
Me personally I'm flattered if someone wants to rub one out thinking of me.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Me personally I'm flattered if someone wants to rub one out thinking of me. Originally Posted by Britttany_love
I feel the same way.

Funny thing: After reading your post, I just realized that I have gay friends and co-workers and much like my female friend, the idea that they might use my image to rub one out never even crossed my mind until now. Huh.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Taking that truth one step further, ask any guy what the first thought that pops into his mind whenever he sees a girl. Ten out of ten guys are going to say; "Would I do her?", every single freaking time.



GneissGuy's Avatar
They get mad at you if they think you're thinking about them, but then they get mad if they think you aren't thinking about them.

Most of us guys look for number one when we're in the store shopping. Spot girl number 1, think, "Hey, she's the one I want to take home with me today." See girl number 2, say, "Nice, but I'll stick with the first one. See girl number 3, think, "Ooohh, I'm upgrading to her." Walk out the door thinking about my final choice.

I've never gone up to one of them and said, "Pardon me, you don't know me, but I've decided you're the most fuckable girl in the store today. Would you like to come home with me for some hot sex?"
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I've never gone up to one of them and said, "Pardon me, you don't know me, but I've decided you're the most fuckable girl in the store today. Would you like to come home with me for some hot sex?" Originally Posted by GneissGuy

Sometimes I get random texts that say I will be spanking it to your pics tonight...

To answer op's question...I am aware guys do this at first it creeped me out not now I find it flattering....

Not like girls don't do it too...
Not like girls don't do it too... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Yeah, I know girls do it too. I just don't know any that have done it while looking at me. And to tell you the truth, if they did, there'd be a serious problem with who they fantasize about fucking.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Yeah, I know girls do it too. I just don't know any that have done it while looking at me. And to tell you the truth, if they did, there'd be a serious problem with who they fantasize about fucking. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Ladies have told me they fantasize about me in order to delay their orgasm.
Ladies have told me they fantasize about me in order to delay their orgasm. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
ROFLMAO!!!! Thanks for that mental image..
I am probably in the same boat. Just never quite looked at it from that perspective.


It's the reason we have to pay for pussy.
I'm usually flattered if a guy thinks about me when getting to his happy place unless I know him really well and/or he's firmly in "I would never ever want to be sexual with him" territory.

The idea of any of my actual friends(civie variety) daydreaming about BJ's or something while we are having an everyday conversation is a bit off putting but there are worse things in life I suppose.
cckid2006's Avatar
It's the reason we have to pay for pussy. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I "choose"

had a lot of freebies in my life. They get too complicated.
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Ladies have told me they fantasize about me in order to delay their orgasm. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
If I was drinking, I'd need a new screen. That's messed up, man... but on the bright side: they're still thinking of you.

I assumed that women do the same, but from what I've gathered: although women may have their "hot guy" fantasies, they have the ability to fantasize about men outside of pure physical attraction -- it could be due to their personality, the uniform they wear, a certain situation, their position at work, etc... and they don't even have to be considered "attractive" in the traditional sense of the word.

Take into consideration that I came to this conclusion based on women I know or have known -- obviously, not all women are the same.

The idea of any of my actual friends(civie variety) daydreaming about BJ's or something while we are having an everyday conversation is a bit off putting but there are worse things in life I suppose.
Didn't mean to harsh your buzz, Reya. Try not to hold it against them though: Even though I've thought about most of my female friends in a sexual way at some point, it's not like I remain friends with them, simply in hope of sleeping with them.

In fear of getting too sappy, let me just say that I respect most of them and leave it at that.

Guys are just horny buggers and a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. If we could turn it off, we would... maybe not, but you get the idea.
What I wonder is if I charged royalties how much $$ would I have!!
I find it flattering It would not "gross me out" are change they way I view male Friends or co-workers I have.

It is natural,Sometimes I feel the same why

Safire Sweet