I heard about an incident that happened in another part of the country that I thought would be a good discussion topic. A provider finds out that's she's pregnant (really early on, so that part is rectified rather quickly.) However she's only had CFS, and she's only seen a handful of regulars during the small window where she could have become pregnant. All of the guys have previously claimed to have had vasectomies. If you were one of the guys, would you want to know that there is a possibility that you aren't shooting blanks?
My take on it, as a "fixed" guy myself, would be that I would definitely want to know. That way, I could go for a sperm test and make sure, and have a little discussion with the surgeon if that isn't the case! My rationale was that in the future, if I end up in a fluid-bonded relationship where we are having BBFS, I don't want to have the spectre of an unwanted pregnancy to deal with.
Of course, the guys might have lied ("Oh yeah, baby, I'm fixed. Are you sure we need a cover?") or maybe the provider's memory isn't accurate, but the story did make me think...
Your thoughts?