Taking pictures of ladies

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-06-2013, 09:57 AM
I found this website and found it to be quite useful for a first time photographer.

http://www.kodak.com/ek/US/en/Home_Main/Tips_Projects_Exchange/Learn/Top_10_Tips_for_Great_Pictures .htm

I would love to hear some more tips and tricks from our local photogs. I know of Ben, are there any others?

I should also mention that taking pictures in THIS HOBBY should ONLY be done with permission and face pics or identifiable markings (tattoos etc) should try to be avoided. Pictures can ONLY be posted with permission and that permission may be checked out by the staff.
roscoe14850's Avatar
Check your white balance when taking pics indoors. Different types of lighting have different kelvin ratings or color temperatures.


Problems can easily be fixed in post process with programs like Photoshop or Lightroom but if you set your lighting source correctly in your cameras menu you can avoid the problem altogether. No more yellow or blue pictures.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-06-2013, 12:26 PM
I would love to hear some more tips and tricks from our local photogs. I know of Ben, are there any others? Originally Posted by GP
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-06-2013, 12:35 PM
I know lol
FlyboyNY's Avatar
But he is dead to us.

Reminds me of a joke.

A moderator and Paul were walking across the street. They both got hit by separate cars. Do you know what the difference in the incidents were?

There were skid marks in front of Paul.
ben dover's Avatar
Oh boy... Honestly the hardest part of doing actual semi pro images is getting providers to follow through, had one cancel on me today. I've had no less than 4 do the same this year. Now you could say maybe it's me but all of them still have NOT updated their images. I think the competition around here just isn't that tough so the girls don't need real good images. Now if you go to the Texas boards 95% of the girls there have real decent images.

Now for advice... Cameras ... geeez have something better than a cell phone, they are good to show your buddies a styling blonde you saw at the beach but when you blow them up to any reasonable size they look like crap. Lighting sucks so bring portable lights, even something simple will help, a reflector, flash is ok, point it straight up to bounce off the ceiling if it's adjustable. Still need to shoot at higher ISO, no biggie a little noise won't be noticeable at small sizes for the web, Clean up the room, move the pile of towels out of the shot, make sure her pimp can't be seen lurking move the 100 pack of condoms, beer bottles and ashtray overflowing with cigs. Have her put on makeup, dress up like she's trying to impress someone. Even if they don't want their face shown it makes a difference in their attitude. No close up pussy or assho!e shots..I mean really.... Show the girls how to pose, bring a playboy for crisse sakes and duplicate the poses or a VS catalog. Get better in editing, god i've seen some serious hatchet jobs, watermark the images so the BP gals can't use them. Stop over smoothing the skin, it looks like damn plastic. I can go on.....BD
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-06-2013, 02:28 PM
I always appreciate the piles or garbage or towels in the background of pics.
Put the toilet seat down.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-06-2013, 04:56 PM
The last thing I want to see in a pic is the big fat toes of her BF.
I only have a modest request for ladies taking selfies in the mirror:

You should not (and there is no need to) use flash!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-06-2013, 08:40 PM
A provider, who is one of my favs, is always asking me what kinds of poses she should do for pics. It is hard to remembers or describe them, so I have started my own little collection of "pose pics". I figure one of these days I will send it to her, until then, I am accumulating quite a nice collection of porn LOL.
I like to finish off the session with dinner. At dinner I will have pictures take of us together. Those pictures are private and for me and the lady only. If at a party I always find a place with a wall in the back ground so no others are in the picture. It goes with out saying the pictures are always with permission. I do have pictures of every lady that has given me her panties after I tag her ass.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I'm not real picky when it comes to pics and poses. Just leave the bathroom pics out. Can't stand seeing a toilet in the pics.
Justin Heranus's Avatar
if you are looking for ideas on poses check out http://www.deviantart.com/ there is a ton of pictures that can help with poses. the artistic nude section has many great poses. i have used it in the past for photo references for art work. another thing you can check out is different artwork by some artist. if you want some thing really erotic look at someone like luis royo. my avatar is one of luis royo paintings. poses can make or break a picture. as far as a camera, anything half way decent. i use a canon powershot S1 ls most the time. it does great pictures, can get very detailed pictures if you want and it does not cost you a fortune to buy one. i have a couple high end pro cameras but a rarely every use them. most the time just grab my little canon because it does the job. read up on the mega pixel thing on the digital camera. it is not always true that the more mega pixels they have the better the picture. the different camera manufactures might have the way their mega pixels are figured out. some the pixels will be bigger and others they will be smaller. i found this out when i got a 10 mega pixel camera for faster shutter speed. took pictures with it and then took it with a canon 3.2 mega pixel i had. the canon blew it away. better picture and better res on it. so read up on that more when checking out new cameras. as far as photo editing software. you can pick up some thing like adobe cs3 extended on ebay pretty cheap and it will have more than enough tools for you to work with. don't go for the most recent version of it unless you want to pay a lot of money. i stick with adobe photoshop cs series because there are a lot of profesional photography addons for it. you can find many packages in photography magazines and stuff for addons. you can pick up your light sets off ebay pretty cheap. i got mine off there really cheap. join sites like wetcanvas.com they have a good community of people. every one from hobbiest to the pros are on there and always willing to help out and give advise. this should give you some things to think over and explore.
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  • GP
  • 12-07-2013, 09:17 AM
Try explaining to the wife why your purchasing all this lighting and camera equipment off of ebay <evil grin>