Bentley is sad.....

I hate to see my friend's doing bad!If you know Sabrina Nicole and friends with her give her a call she's dealing with a very sick family member.Hope I dont get in trouble for this but she's my friend and regardless what it looked like to yall she's a hard working girl,her reviews show that.
lilsmurf's Avatar
I will go see her, she was always cool with me.
pmdelites's Avatar
bently and sabrina,
please, instead of starting a threAD, just place an AD.
Tb_8's Avatar
  • Tb_8
  • 10-04-2010, 09:59 AM
I am soo sorry to hear that Dallas... er i mean Bentley.
Boltfan's Avatar
Perhaps Sabrina needs to learn it is a bad idea to burn bridges.
If you cant be respectful plz find somthing else to reply find somthing to do,maybe spend some more time having some hobby fun or somthing,all we hear from you is pimp b.s.!I have made it very clear I dont have a pimp and you just keep tring to start problems on the board.Get a life.....
txcwby6 is confused. txcwby6 thinks that this must be a(nother) ad by OP since they're all in 3rd person and posted in the coed section like grafitti. Is txcwby6 wrong?
Bently, pmdelites is no pimp. And he's right. You know, when you post a thread, you're inviting discussion, that's what a discussion board is for. Maybe you should take your own advice and be respectful.
slims099's Avatar
I don't see how this is an ad... but yeah Sabrina Nicole left here and kinda in a way, told us to fuck off so she could go to eraps.... I am sorry for her family member though, it's too bad.
pmdelites's Avatar
If you cant be respectful plz find somthing else to reply find somthing to do,maybe spend some more time having some hobby fun or somthing,all we hear from you is pimp b.s.!I have made it very clear I dont have a pimp and you just keep tring to start problems on the board.Get a life..... Originally Posted by bentley stars
first of all, my post was not respectful??
"bently and sabrina,
please, instead of starting a threAD, just place an AD."

if you really believe that all i post about is "pimp b.s.", pls post the links where that is where i have talked about it. perhaps you have mistaken me for someone else.

btw, i do have plenty of hobby fun!! in fact, quite often for over 13 yrs.

finally, i reread your post and you said "give her a call", then said she's a "hard working girl,her reviews show that". sorry if i misinterpreted that for asking people to call her to schedule a visit, session, show, encounter, whatever. but if that is what you meant, then it was an AD, pure and simple. and it should have been in the ads section. pure and simple.

now, if you had just posted saying that sabrina is dealing w/ some family medical problems and could use a hug or positive thoughts or something along those lines, that would have been different. but you didnt.
Dallas is just a senistive guy and all this rejection of his women is hurting his feelings. Sorry Dallas, we will be nicer next time you post.
daty/o's Avatar
Sorry to hear she's having issues, I will call her when I can. I'm sure she appreciates your support.
It is one of the forum guidelines that ads are ONLY allowed in the ads section.
Sabrina was banned due to her poor choices and even worse attitude. I am terribly sorry she is going through a rough time and could use the help - I'm sure everyone has been there, but posting on her behalf as an ad will probably not work in her favor considering how she left here.

Tell Sabrina to try advertising on BP, Eros, cityvibe etc...
There are many other options.
Wes81619's Avatar
Just wondering are we a community of people in the Dallas area that have the same intresrests? I have never seen bentley but is she not worth a chance to get in contact with us because of a friend to boost spirits. Now if someone calls Sabrina and we get someone wanting us to meet then we know the truth and go on. Just maybe bentley is a person that wants to be in a safe community of good people. I'm sure bentley can change her name right ?? And become someone new I believe she has owned up to all mistakes by facing it. Hey I have been wrong before and who knows it maybe a stretch of the truth and it is nothing more then a add. I say prove it call her tell her be well and hope your spirits lift. You have friends here not just business customers.
CaptainJones's Avatar
I hate to see my friend's doing bad!If you know Sabrina Nicole and friends with her give her a call she's dealing with a very sick family member.Hope I dont get in trouble for this but she's my friend and regardless what it looked like to yall she's a hard working girl,her reviews show that. Originally Posted by bentley stars
Very similar posting style as Sabrina. (No spaces between puncutation and the next letter). Could it be that she has access to Bentley's account? I would bet my life on it.