
Middle aged gent sitting at a bar when in comes a very hot 50'ish woman. She sits a couple stools over.

She orders a cocktail, looks around the room and makes eye contact with the gent. They smile and lift glasses as they toast the new acquantance.

Gent slides over and they enjoy a couple hours of drinking and great conversation when she asks, "Ever had a homerun"?

"Well, never played much baseball. Guess I never did."

She laughed and said she wasn't talking about baseball, but homerun was a mother-daughter encounter.

She said she lived around the corner and told him to follow her.

They get to her house and as she is unlocking the door, she asked him, "Are you sure you never had a homerun"?

"I am positive, but I can hardly wait." He was really geeked, beacuse this lady was milf knockout.

She opened the door, stood at the bottom of the stairs and yelled,

"Ma.... are you still awake"??!!
eccietime's Avatar
OMG LMAO - Dam and I always want to do it, NOT NOW!!!