Jaco suggestions?

My friends and I are visiting Jaco and staying at Cocal. Any suggestions on the types of room that will allow us to have fun but will not be too loud?

What is the standard operating procedure with the Chicas at Cocal?

What are typical overnight rates?

I was in Panama couple of years ago and it was a blast staying at the Veneto.

Thanks in advance for your input/suggestions.
Mako113's Avatar
Room - Many say they prefer the rooms overlooking the parking lot as opposed to the rooms around the pool. Less noise, plus you can track the Chicas coming and going.

S.O.P. - When you first ask they are commonly going to ask for $150 just to find out if you are a sucker. Counter with 80, but settle for 100 if they are hot enough to warrant it. No need to haggle, if they won't budge just say 'nice meeting you' and go talk to someone else. Most times you won't get three steps before they acquiesce. The later it gets the more easily it will be to get them to settle for 80 because they are then getting nervous that they won't get to work at all. Also be sure to check out back every now and then where people go to smoke (between the beach and hotel). It's less crowded out there, music not as loud and easier to have a private conversation.

Overnight - you should be able to get an overnight stay for under 200, but again, chances increase the later it gets. At 7pm they are less likely to go for an all-nighter unless you overpay because they are still clinging to the possibility that they can get 2 or 3 hookups in before midnight. At 10:30 they now know that isn't going to happen.

Happy Hunting!
well said Mako, just got back from Jaco and had a great time. I never paid over $80 while I was there but I have been there many times.
Mako -

Thanks for your insights. Had a fantastic time. Jaco was every bit as fun as one can expect. I loved the fact there was no haggling, everyone knew what their role was in the game.

Highly recommend Jaco for an unforgettable weekend.
I love the Cocal!!!
I have been around the world, plus Columbia, and there is nothing like the Cocal.
The Eastern European girls are beautiful but clingy. They are so sweet but you may get fatal and end up with the same one for a week. Asians are out to please you, a little back talk and attitude is fun.
I am on my way back for Thanksgiving!!
Eddie maybe we meet up for a beer. I will be there the Nov 24th through Dec 4