If you can't beat 'em impeach 'em.


Or how else can we fuck the schools. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You always got the punch bowl, eehhhbuhhhrrrr

eeehbuhhhrrrr if you pull it out slower you can jamb it in deeper...

Washington College Students Demand Power to Fire Police Who Microaggress Them https://stream.org/washington-colleg...-microaggress/

By BLAKE NEFF Published on March 7, 2016

Blake Neff
Student activists at Western Washington University (WWU) have published a formidable list of demands, ordering the creation of a new college dedicated to social justice as well as the formation of a student committee with the power to fire faculty members and even police officers who engage in microaggressions.

The demands issued by the Student Assembly for Power and Liberation (SAPL) may not be as lengthy as those issued at Oberlin College, or as visible as those made at the University of Missouri or Harvard University, but they more than make up for that in sheer ambition: WWU demands the creation of an entirely new college. This so-called College of Power and Liberation is to be immediately staffed with at least ten full-time faculty members (with hiring decisions controlled by the activists themselves) and will be focused exclusively on furthering “social justice.”

To make this new college work, the activists demand an entirely new library and the construction of a new academic building. As a cherry on top, the students want WWU to spend at least $50,000 on an opening event that will mark “the beginning of the momentous history of the College of Power and Liberation” and introduce its mission to students.

Other than the cost of the opening event, SAPL dose nothing to estimate the cost of this endeavor or suggest how the money be raised, stating bluntly that “acquiring such funding is the responsibility of the administration.”

While the creation of a brand new social-justice college is probably the most expensive of SAPL’s demands, it isn’t the most ambitious. The group is also demanding the school create a 15-member student panel dubbed the Committee for Social Transformation. This committee will primarily exist to “monitor, document, and archive all racist, anti- black, transphobic, cissexist, misogynistic, ablest, homophobic, islamophobic, and otherwise oppressive behavior on campus.”

Not only will the committee monitor said behavior, it will also have the power to punish. SAPL demands the committee have authority to oversee the behavior of students, administrators, tenured faculty and even university police officers. The Committee’s powers will include the ability to fire faculty and police officers it believes are engaging in “oppressive behaviors” on campus.

The list of demands includes several other notable eccentricities:

The group uses the word “persxn” instead of “person,” presumably in the belief that the latter is overly gendered because it contains the word “son.” Notably, “son” and “person” have unrelated etymologies. Similarly, they use the word “hxstory” instead of “history” to evade using the syllable “his.”
Financial reimbursement in the form of tuition refunds for students who suffer “institutional and administrative violence” at WWU.
A special $45,000 fund to finance students engaging in “de-colonial work” on campus
SAPL is very impatient for its demands to be implemented. The demands were first posted online February 28, and the group expects them to be fully implemented by the end of the spring 2016 term.

WWU President Bruce Shepard sent an email to SAPL March 1, praising the “out-of-the-box thoughtfulness” of their demands, but also characterizing them as “problematic” for numerous reasons. Shepard faulted the plan for violating federal law, including no credible funding mechanism, and threatening both inclusivity and academic freedom.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking idiot of the year.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I, assup am the Fucking idiot of the Millennium. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FTFY assup.
You always got the punch bowl, eehhhbuhhhrrrr

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
eeehbuhhhrrrr if you pull it out slower you can jamb it in deeper...

Washington College Students Demand Power to Fire Police Who Microaggress Them https://stream.org/washington-colleg...-microaggress/ Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Go to your meeting whiffy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Kansas Supreme Court has no business telling the legislature how much they must spend on schools. That's the same as giving the Court the power to tax. IMPEACH THEM!
IMPEACH THEM! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This was brought to us by the ONLY Dipshit to nominate himself for the Dipshit of the Year award.

True to form, COIdiot damn near won!
The Kansas Supreme Court has no business telling the legislature how much they must spend on schools. That's the same as giving the Court the power to tax. IMPEACH THEM! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Another old fart who cares little for Kansas education. He was educated by the feds.
This was brought to us by the ONLY Dipshit to nominate himself for the Dipshit of the Year award.

True to form, COIdiot damn near won! Originally Posted by bigtex
He "damn near won " , but WE all KNOW how YOU earned, AND DID WIN ! , YOUR "Triple Crown " title, Lil Cotex ! :yi kes::wavetowel 2:
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Another old fart who cares little for Kansas education. He was educated by the feds. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Learn the idea of checks and balances. The Court is not a legislature. If you want to increase funding for schools, vote for people who will. That's how it's supposed to work.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Biggen makes it sound like they're shutting down education in Kansas. That is a lie. Kansas has a unique problem going back years; the tax base of the state is being held up by three or four counties. A few years ago the taxpayers in those counties decided to that education was important to them. So they raised their taxes to educate their kids.... the other counties decided that it was unfair so they sued and won. Money from Johnson county (the tax was already approved you know) was sent across the state to places like Dodge City with a high rate of illegal alien students. The parents of Lenexa (Johnson County) were not happy with this so there has been a fight in the formula of the state budget for education. Brownback was elected with a mandate to cut and balance the state budget. This was impacted by the economic down turn out of Washington. So Kansas has decided that a certain amount of money should be spent per student for education. The liberals, the students, and the educators want more but there is no more for them. Instead of (this is always liberals respond) finding ways to save money for the primary purpose of education, they are organizing to force the legislature to give them more money (thereby busting the budget). They have enlisted the aid of some judges and some of us seeing what happened to Missouri 25 years ago are trying to find a way to remove radical judges. What happened to Missouri 25 years ago? Well a judge named Whipple decided that the school system of Kansas City was inadequate and ordered that the entire state be taxed over 20 years to pay for the upgrades in KCMO. A billion dollars later you have great buildings, Olympic sized pools, and computer labs in KCMO....and some of the lowest graduation rates in the state.
Taxes are the responsibility of the legislature in both Kansas and Missouri, not the courts. We know what side libs like Biggen come down on.
Biggen makes it sound like they're shutting down education in Kansas. That is a lie. Kansas has a unique problem going back years; the tax base of the state is being held up by three or four counties. A few years ago the taxpayers in those counties decided to that education was important to them. So they raised their taxes to educate their kids.... the other counties decided that it was unfair so they sued and won. Money from Johnson county (the tax was already approved you know) was sent across the state to places like Dodge City with a high rate of illegal alien students. The parents of Lenexa (Johnson County) were not happy with this so there has been a fight in the formula of the state budget for education. Brownback was elected with a mandate to cut and balance the state budget. This was impacted by the economic down turn out of Washington. So Kansas has decided that a certain amount of money should be spent per student for education. The liberals, the students, and the educators want more but there is no more for them. Instead of (this is always liberals respond) finding ways to save money for the primary purpose of education, they are organizing to force the legislature to give them more money (thereby busting the budget). They have enlisted the aid of some judges and some of us seeing what happened to Missouri 25 years ago are trying to find a way to remove radical judges. What happened to Missouri 25 years ago? Well a judge named Whipple decided that the school system of Kansas City was inadequate and ordered that the entire state be taxed over 20 years to pay for the upgrades in KCMO. A billion dollars later you have great buildings, Olympic sized pools, and computer labs in KCMO....and some of the lowest graduation rates in the state.
Taxes are the responsibility of the legislature in both Kansas and Missouri, not the courts. We know what side libs like Biggen come down on. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Brownbacks policies are based on every talking point the republican party throws at you. Kansas has been a poster child for these talking points, and they have failed. Now he is taking funds from schools and road to help balance the failed policy. Schools have cut staff, programs, and consolidated districts and still will have to cut more if more funds are cut. Stupid people like you judy is why I left the party and became a independent.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like a true "independent", LittleEva thinks every problem can be solved by more government and higher taxes. How's that been working for you, Eva? If you truly cared about education you'd support vouchers so the schools would have to compete and get results. Instead, you support more and more government, and higher and higher taxes. You're a tax and spend liberal, LittleEva. Admit it.
Like a true "independent", LittleEva thinks every problem can be solved by more government and higher taxes. How's that been working for you, Eva? If you truly cared about education you'd support vouchers so the schools would have to compete and get results. Instead, you support more and more government, and higher and higher taxes. You're a tax and spend liberal, LittleEva. Admit it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Like every other right wing idiot you think less government and no taxes are the answer. How is that working out for you? If you loose millions because you are not collecting taxes you predicted in the budget because of failed policies you are educating more morons like you. Admit it.