Since Trump originally ran for president, how many Billions has he cost the US government?

Cody69's Avatar
Since Trump originally ran for president, how many Billions has he cost the US government?

With all the corrupt things that Trump has done from day one does anyone have an estimate how many Billions Trump has cost us? It may be in the Trillions.

All the impeachment trials with all of the investigating they had to do and that he was found guilty in, so it was proven their was no hoax or witch hunt.

The Covid19 hoax and when all the shelves were bare for how long and unemployment sky rocketed to 10% because he wouldn't do anything for the country till election time? Oh he did suggested drinking bleach and to stick a light up peoples asses and oh use a Malaria drug that did nothing at all, a real moron. Shut the entire country down because of it and we are still paying the price with inflation and shortages. Oh and how many hundreds of thousands died from it?

Doing a rich kid scheme of being a touch guy and took those small innocent children including babies off of the parents who had to flee there country because of drug lords and was so stupid they didn't write down where to return the children too once they were done fucking with the parents. Can you imagine that?

He lost the election because of all the stupid shit he did for four years. I can't figure it out how he lost can you? This is just a small sample of the stupid shit he did. Don't forget about all the rape cases they had against him. Grab them by there pussy! How did that work out?

All the lawyers that lost there license and went to jail so Trump didn't have to go. Insult to injury, Trump walked away and laughed at them making fun of them. How would you like that? They give there life for him

Lost the election because of all the dumb shit he did for four years. Cost billions of count and recount and court cases that are still going on. Not counting how many people got killed locked up because he lost the election. It wasn't even close. How many millions did it cost FOX for lying for him? 3/4 of a Billion I know that one.

This is just some of his fuck ups that cost the country and people billions..


So now with top secret document dilemma how many more billions is this going to cost?

I know why all you radical Cult card carrying radicals cut down all the democrats. Your people are totally fucked up and stupid and you follow them. Here is just a few fuck ups, Ted Cruise, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Mike Stupid Pence, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Ron DeSantis, just to name a few of the top assholes.

You guys cut up Biden and Obama, they are saints compared to your jack off hero's.

How bad could it have been to elect an almost Senile 80 year old? BAD
Cody69's Avatar
George Santos, how could anyone forget this asshole. He is beyond Fuck Up.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is a good question. It’s hard to estimate how much the government has wasted going after Trump and coming away with less than nothing, but I’d imagine it’s quite a bit.
"Less than nothing"?

Then, why is everyone on Fox News crying so much?