A new request to all providers

So... I am the owner of a company in which one of my star employees has earned a perk, so to speak.

I want to provide him with a provider, as a bonus. I think its a great idea though without some challenges. I am a most excellent Boss, doncha think ?

My thought is for him to choose a provider, and I can reference him, through my references. I can vouch for him 100%. He is a fun loving gentle bear, with a perverted side. Very thoughtful and well mannered.

Ladies: How would you think this to be best relaized ? What would you need to feel comfy with this arrangement ?

Many thanks for all of your responses, in advance !
i think youre going to have a lot of hobbyist coming to your office filling out job applications.. LOL
Are you hiring.
Always hiring, but only folks who can bring ME $$ !

Would really appreciate any procedural reflections on this.

Thank you.
i have done this once. But i have known the gentlemen requesting it, for almost 9 months and have seen him many many times BCD. We had a trust factor going and I knew he would not put me in danger.

I say find a provider that you have a good standing with on the trust factor. Also that helps because you know that if she jumps at it or offers someone that she think would do it.. you know that ur eomplyee would have a good time. With him not being an active hobbyist.. letting him pick could put him at a risk of being highly disappointed.. and we want more hobbyist.. not fewer. <giggle>
MS. Lacy:

You are correct, however I think a greater thrill is in his choosing the provider. And I understand it is always hit or miss. But, as I told my employee, this won't be the only time I provide him with a provider. As well all do, finding the right one(s) is oh so thrilling...
well maybe your assistance? Help him get on P411, start an eccie account. Show him how to shop and screen..search for alerts.. etc. And then he has a whole playground.
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MasterBaiter, Watch it...you already have the best boss in the world.
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well maybe your assistance? Help him get on P411, start an eccie account. Show him how to shop and screen..search for alerts.. etc. And then he has a whole playground. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I agree. How does it go? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and...you get the point. Either way, it's still on your dime.
I agree. How does it go? Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and...you get the point. Either way, it's still on your dime. Originally Posted by Say What

EXACTLY! I just dont see a provider willing to do this if they dont know and trust the OP.. its risky. So for him to just choose someone is going to be hard and limited. To either help him become established or go with a girl that already knows and trusts the OP.. is going to be the best way, imho..
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  • S-Man
  • 04-10-2012, 01:34 PM
Similar to other forms of employee bonuses, are you planning to write this expense off on your books?
Can't write it off ! Damn it !

The Veep ( wife ) would ask too many questions...
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Crash, I would think each provider would handle it differently. Each provider has her comfort level.

I recently experienced something similar to your scenario.
I was contacted by a provider whom I did not know personally. Nor was I familiar with her on the board. She asked me if I would have dinner with her, her long time gentleman friend and his business partner. Her gentleman friend is on Eccie. His business partner is not on Eccie.

She gave me link to her website and reviews. She also provided a gentleman, on Eccie, for me to contact for verification on her. This gentleman reviewed her, as well as a provider I know personally. I contacted him and he gave her a huge thumbs up and great verification to my comfort level.

I felt comfortable enough that I went on the date. Everyone was legit and safe.
This was a first for me. It was because of her willingness to be patient as I went through the process of verifying everyone. Very unusual but it worked.

Hope this is somewhat helpful to you.
Good Luck,
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  • S-Man
  • 04-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Can't write it off ! Damn it !

The Veep ( wife ) would ask too many questions... Originally Posted by crashkopf
Hope you and this particular employee do not part ways unfavorably.
Can't write it off ! Damn it !

The Veep ( wife ) would ask too many questions... Originally Posted by crashkopf

List it under therapy. Your employee was in a "crisis" and you opted to cover the "Assistance" needed...