...my way of looking at it...

Howdy all.

The "business of pleasure" is a fascinating ride but sometimes the "business" can distract from the "pleasure".

Here's how I try to look at it:

You're not an escort. I'm not a client.
We are not doing a session.

I'm an aroused man, you are sensual woman.
Together we unite to create fire.

We will not meet at your incall.
We will gather at a private sanctuary of passion,
where we discard our inhibitions as we discard our clothes.

The envelope I leave on the nightstand is not a payment for services rendered, but a gift, a gift I freely exchange for the gift of ecstasy you have given me.

I delight in the chance you have given me to know your inner femaleness.

permettez à l'amusement de commencer.
(Let the fun begin!)

Everyone show each other fun and respect.
Play on!
Great post!

Can we add stuff to it?

~That is not your jizz in my eye! It is your sweet, life-bearing pleasure juice gently caressing the windows to my soul!
daty/o's Avatar
Now, if we could only get those unromantic, bureaucratic lawmakers to see it the same way...
Great post!

Can we add stuff to it?

~That is not your jizz in my eye! It is your sweet, life-bearing pleasure juice gently caressing the windows to my soul! Originally Posted by Dannie
LOL! I just shot sonic ice through my nose when i read this! It was NOT sexy... But this was hilarious!
SASpurfan's Avatar
Here I am under Lacy and agreeing with Dannie. Nice situation.
Grace Preston's Avatar
And it is THIS attitude that will always help you to rise above the little bumps in the road of pleasure. Kisses darlin'
pmdelites's Avatar
Long Ron Silver,

most Most MOST EXCELLENT!!!!!

see, folks, a lot depends on how you look at/think about things.

some folks have chided me for using "consulting" and "delites" [esp over "there"].
their loss, cos over the past few years and w/ my view of this little thing of ours (*), i've experienced plenty of deliteful consultations!!!! and very few less than deliteful ones.

(*) that's pretty close to the name of a website/blog from a guy up in nyc.
pyramider's Avatar
Great post!

Can we add stuff to it?

~That is not your jizz in my eye! It is your sweet, life-bearing pleasure juice gently caressing the windows to my soul! Originally Posted by Dannie
That is why you should be engaging in BBCR, silly girl.
B.Wayne's Avatar
LRS I completely agree. I have a problem with being too long winded when I email or text and you made what I was trying to say so simple and easy to understand. To my unicorn this one goes out to you. You know who you are
texastee's Avatar
great post
could not be said any better
sovanna's Avatar
Yes me likey. Dannie that's hilarious.
I don't post on here often, but that was a very enlightening post. Presentation is everything. I still haven't popped my hobby cherry, but a provider that has this attitude would be most welcome.
I don't post on here often, but that was a very enlightening post. Presentation is everything. I still haven't popped my hobby cherry, but a provider that has this attitude would be most welcome. Originally Posted by nervousnewbie351
I suspect with your post your cherry will be popped soon LRS nice post
Great post!

Can we add stuff to it?

~That is not your jizz in my eye! It is your sweet, life-bearing pleasure juice gently caressing the windows to my soul! Originally Posted by Dannie
No baby, that was totally my spunk! Does it sting?!?! SAY MY NAME!!!