
I'm curios to hear everyones opinion. What are your expectations of an overnight date?

What time should it begin? Should it end at sunrise?
Guys do you expect morning fun and breakfast together?
Do you feel you should stay up all night or is sleep included?
If so whats a fair time to sleep?

Have you had the pleasure to share a night with someone in the hobby?
If you have please share what your expectations were, if you were satisfied and would
you do it again?

-Kandy Kelly!
Kelly, your overnights should be tailored to the experience you want to have. There are several levels of overnights.

First level is like a clock free day but just overnight. You go to dinner, maybe a show, a little fun, lights out, then fun in the morning. This is everyone's expectation of an overnight, and one of the reasons you will get rebuttal on overnights in some circles. I've had a lot of older friends that handle overnights this way despite my best efforts (usually due to medications, early risers, et al).

The second level is a bit more intense. You may or may not go out to eat but there is at least an en suite dinner, so more fun ensues, and then there's lights out. If you're accompanying someone on a business trip, and due to professional concerns of being seen with you (especially if it's a convention and they're among peers that know their marital status and/or personally know their spouse), this may be the overnight you get.

My level of overnight is fun before dinner, dinner, more fun or a show, a LOT more fun, maybe 3-5 hours' sleep, morning fun, then breakfast. I like naughty adult sleepovers. Pillow fights, food play, truth or dare, drinking games, and other fun things. I don't take appointments the day I'm scheduled for an overnight, because I nap and rest so that my client gets the best of me, and I'm up for virtually anything. Know that situations will vary like the clients vary. No two clients ever expect the same out of you, so I would tailor the experience based on his expectations of your time together.

First and foremost, you have to have the ability to (preferably) just be yourself with a client for that long, or be a REALLY good actress, which is very stressful. People who have to act don't genuinely enjoy them or dates longer than 2 hours. The timing and pricing should be comfortable for the level of service that's required of you.

These things require a bit of thought, so I think YOU should re-enact your perfect overnight in your mind. What kind of client is he? What do you do for entertainment (remember, this is a fantasy date for both of you)? How do you end your time together? What were you paid? Of course this scenario should lead to you having a reasonable expectation of how to communicate to your clients their needs, and what you require in compensation.

Love the hair, btw...
pyramider's Avatar
One should only do overnites with those you have seen before and are comfortable with.

Get the expectations known up front that way the lady knows what is expected. In Tiff's example, there is a big difference between the two levels.
Daen1304's Avatar
Good question.

I have seen overnight rates on some providers' sites and often they have "(8 hours)" thrown at the end. No consider I generally try to sleep for 8 hours, so I would try to spend that time awake. Maybe not all in play, but definetely conscious. As for morning play and breakfast, morning play would be fun, and if I find myself in bed with a pretty lady when I wake I will go make brfeakfast and serve it in bed. You know what also would be fun? Being woken up for some midnight play too if sleeping is an option.
Hercules's Avatar
I adore overnight visits. But must agree not to do them on a first meeting as I've done that twice and both ended in disaster.

At first I expected o/n visits to be a fuck-fest. But as I've progressed in this bizness I've learned it's true value is in taking your time. There's no need to get off as many times as possible in a hour or two.

As many ladies prefer not to be public the best dinner has been take-out with champagne (can spice things up by having her give the delivery guy a show!).

Watch some vids together or play some custom games that require stripping and fun activities for the winner/loser.

Most importantly is we can both drink as we desire without worry of driving (I.e. too drunk to drive but still sober enough to fuck like bunnies!).

Early morning boink and then I make breakfast, usually pancakes, French toast, sausage, bacon (I LOVE a big breakfast!). Then maybe a quickie after breakfast and we go our seperate ways. Perfection.....
I agree! NO overnights unless you have seen them before! Nothing is worse than being forced to be around someone for 12 hours.

my first experience with an overnight... was the worse thing i ever encountered in my life. But i did learn to ALWAYS see them bcd first before doing an overnight.

Since learning this.. my overnights have been nothing but pure bliss ! And I agree with Hercules. With what i learned from my first one to the next one.. its not about 12 hour fuckfest.. it is indeed the time. Its not fun...at least for me... to have my kitty banged for 12 hours straight. I prefer the GFE.. dinner... sex.... snuggle.....conversation, etc. Sex can happen throughout the night.. but gawd.. not 12 hours straight.
I had an overnight with a Very sweet gentleman on this board we been knowing eachother for a while now and i feel confirtable with him the night turn out great Let's do it again
beachcomber's Avatar
I have had one overnighter with a provider I had met with 4-5 times before we agreed to spend the night together. Some observations:
1. We knew each other and I know that I liked her and I believe that she felt the same.
2. We met at my place and started latish; about 10 I think.
3. Wine and cheese were out for sustenance.
4. She wanted some new pics for her site and brought some sexy outfits. I served as photographer. Very sexy way to begin!
5. After photo shoot we reviewed the results and liked what we saw. Easy transition to making out on the couch!
6. Finished wine and "retired". Again an easy transition to a great night of mutually satisfying fun. Some sleep occurred between bouts.
7. Ended the date in the early am, between 6 and 7 after some morning fun and a bite to eat.
8. Price was agreed upon in advance and was a flat fee rather than a multiple of regularly hourly rate. I thought the price was fair (in the '00's, not '000's).

I would repeat with the right girl! It was a wonderful time!

TexasDave555's Avatar
I'm curios to hear everyones opinion. What are your expectations of an overnight date?

What time should it begin? Should it end at sunrise?
Guys do you expect morning fun and breakfast together?
Do you feel you should stay up all night or is sleep included?
If so whats a fair time to sleep?

Have you had the pleasure to share a night with someone in the hobby?
If you have please share what your expectations were, if you were satisfied and would
you do it again?

-Kandy Kelly! Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
That will vary from guy to guy, some want all night fuck fests, others just a few laps around the bed wrapped around a night out etc.

I've done several overnighters and some weekend/extended visits. The overnighters typically start with a nice dinner and some good entertainment, then relaxing intimate fun. Depending on the activities it could be late or tired so the fun could continue to could take a power nap and go again. All depends. Morning is always a late morning thing and cooked by me usually and maybe a bit of fun on the breakfast table or a nice depearting session then shower and kick her out, after she does a load of laundry and fixes me a sandwhich... (kidding... kinda).

The weekend visits have gone pretty much the same with day trips or activities included in between. Probably sex 2-3 times a day on those.... some extended. Spent a whole weekend in bed with a nice lady in Austin a few years back. Room service is great.....

Then there was a lovely 7 or 8 day's on Maui with one of our favorite providers.... that was a lot of fun. Lots of activities on that trip though I couldn't get her to snorkel anywhere other than the pool Sex on that trip was once or twice a day if memory serves me correct... it was basically a nice relaxing week but filled with activities. Next time i'll do less around the island and do more of her. I may do another one in Italy this summer for a wedding trip I am still deciding if I want to go to or not? Wonder if she has her passport current

So... ask the guy. Find out what HE wants and go from there. Maybe make some suggestions. But I would expect and make sure if its a weekend or overnighter he understands you need down times and its not going to be 12 hours of straight kitty pounding.....
I agree! NO overnights unless you have seen them before! Nothing is worse than being forced to be around someone for 12 hours.

my first experience with an overnight... was the worse thing i ever encountered in my life. But i did learn to ALWAYS see them bcd first before doing an overnight.

Since learning this.. my overnights have been nothing but pure bliss ! And I agree with Hercules. With what i learned from my first one to the next one.. its not about 12 hour fuckfest.. it is indeed the time. Its not fun...at least for me... to have my kitty banged for 12 hours straight. I prefer the GFE.. dinner... sex.... snuggle.....conversation, etc. Sex can happen throughout the night.. but gawd.. not 12 hours straight. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
All I can picture is the buffet line at Luby's or Pancho's while thinking about this thread. I see a customer intent on loading up his plate (Bluto from Animal House). I can see the same sort of scenario unfolding with an overnighter unless both parties are amenable to the enoucnter not being nothing but the Provier's head being used like a basketball (banging off the headboard or in his hands). Sorry, just can't help but seeing some dude so excited about having paid-for pussy next to him that he's hammering, fingering and using up her mouth all damned nite!

And now, back to the program.
pmdelites's Avatar
the best overnight i had went like this...

checked into a hotel.
went to her place and picked her up around 8pm, went for dinner.
went to a swingers' club around 11pm and left there around 2am, two rounds of intimate consulting.
went back to the hotel and snuggled before falling asleep.
i woke up around 730am and ordered breakfast.
after breakfast arrived, woke her up for another hour of consulting.
had breakfast.
we both left around 10am.

the 2nd best one was very similar except we didnt go to a swingers' club - we consulted at the hotel before we went to sleep.

in both cases, neither of the women had a listed overnight fee. so, i suggested a consulting fee for all that time; the woman counter-offered; we agreed on a fee.

in both cases, i had consulted w/ the woman multiple times so we both felt comfortable w/ the arrangement.

one time, i flew a provider with me when i went on a week long business trip. we flew up on sunday and she flew home on wed.
we consulted sun nite, mon nite, tues afternoon [left work early claiming i wasnt feeling well :^)].
tho we had consulted many times before, neither of us had done this kind of extended session.
i proposed a flat fee for those days, paid for her airfare and the hotel [actually the client did], and gave her 250 spending cash. she agreed and we had a blast.

in all these cases, we prepared and wound up having a great time w/out any mis-communication, drama or problems. fortune and/or fate smiled on us.

as others have said, be sure you're comfortable w/ the guy, you agree on your fees and /or expenses, and you are prepared with all necessary supplies.
Blubba's Avatar
Punctuation and correct capitalization may be an overrated experience, but it helps readability
pmdelites's Avatar
true, but that's how i type. always have, always will, unless it's a formal document.