CoEd Crunch #2: Repliers

DownForWhatever's Avatar
...a follow up to the previous number crunch on on CoEd threads


Sad to say, but CoEd is pretty much a Sausage-fest
- Admirers...89% of all replies
- Companions...11%

Top Companion Contributors:
- 5 posts: sexxxymalia
- 4 posts: Emmie
- 3 posts: Majichands & Dallas Rain
- 2 posts: Elisabeth Whispers & Grace Preston
- 1 post: 8 others

Tom Admirer Contributors
- 22 post: BLM69
- 17 posts: DownForWhatever
- 11 posts: porscheguy
- 10 posts: Tin Man
- 8 posts: rexdutchman, whitechocolate, Wile E Coyote
- 7 posts: mtabsw
- 6 posts: ManSlut, pmdelites
- 5 posts: Admiral Giggle, Joddxxx
- Less than 5: 64 Others
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Been like that for a long time. And the vast majority of providers that do post are not really too active with actual providing, hence the main reason they have time to post a reply to threads.

One of the reasons providers do not post most is because if they give their opinion on a hobby subject, then those guys who disagree with her have wrote her off their list of ladies to see for a session, making her potential client base shrink by that much. The girls just do not know how or refuse to fake a seemingly real response to appease their clients, whom are not looking for true friendship.

Most of the guys that reply to threads do so to advance an agenda or to cut someone down.

Very rare is it that any legit hobby related civil discussions go on here on Eccie.