What are your thoughts on Obama's Speech?

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
What are your thoughts on Obama's Speech?
Htowner's Avatar
I was surprised to hear him say Michelle's momma is so fat, she is leaving pot holes in the front lawn.
  • pyro
  • 01-27-2010, 08:53 PM

(also what is with Micheles eyebrows? she always looks pissed off...)

pyro (an independant)
I thought he said that she was so nasty that when he called her for phone sex, he got an ear infection
dearhunter's Avatar
Read my lips............more new taxes.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Yeah I was like Michelle had that look of "you MFer while looking a him", lol. Taxes, hell I just heard the printing presses start up again.

I need to get a Hobby, I am watching Campus PD on G4.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

I was watching Meerkat Manor.
internet_inventor2's Avatar

I was watching Meerkat Manor. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Wayward's Avatar

I was watching Meerkat Manor. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Good call your Holiness less weaselly.
Raphael's Avatar

(also what is with Micheles eyebrows? she always looks pissed off...)
Originally Posted by pyro
She looked pissed off when he kissed congresswomen on the cheeks.

Half way through I switched over to some TV series involving gay mormons, mormon politicians and indians who were neither mormon nor gay nor politicians. It was very boring but not as boring as the speech.

I can't believe he brought up health care. I guess te voters of Massachussets don't speak as loud as Teddy Kennedy, for his thick ears.

His job creation claim is pure mendacity: they give humongous sums of money to companies who then hire a small number of people, whether they need them or not; this is no better than to hire new bureaucrats when there is no need for more. You don't create jobs by subsidizing jobs, you do so by stimulating investment and demand.

I thought Joe Biden was unstately, looking like a clown, instead of looking serious, and therefore glum.

Sure enough, he once again blamed Bush. Now, I did not vote for Bush in 2000 (I did not vote at all), and I voted against him in 2004. The fact remains, Obama did not inherit a collapsing economy & financial structure; he inherited a recovering economy and financial system, thanks to the swift decisions of Paulson and Bernanke; Bush deserves credit for suporting them, his unpreparedness for that office notwistanding.

(Besides, Obama was not prepared either. There is a problem with a political system that allows second fiddles and second rates like Dukakis, Clinton, Quayle, Bush II and Obama the former social worker, to run for high office. And I have not gotten on Sarah Palin's case yet).
topcat19542001's Avatar
I was watching Happy Pony. And I'm NOT missing Happy Pony.
  • pyro
  • 01-27-2010, 11:52 PM
not to hi-jack the thread, but...

Who hasn't had a drink of alcohol in 90 days?

Ted Kennedy

(I know, I know. Bad pyro! Bad Pyro!)
Moved to proper location.




Why would I ever listen to a staged speech by America's biggest mistake?
He brought change to America?
Right. The banks got the folding money and the rest of us were left with change.
His rhetoric is meaningless.
He has spent a year trying to ram socialized medicine down our throats and up our asses -- OBAMA-care -- when he should have been focusing on rebuilding America's infrastructure; roads, bridges, levees and dams (remember New Orleans and Katrina?). We could have been on track to putting America back to work through meaningful construction and reconstruction.

The one blurb I heard on the news was him saying, 'It is time to get serious . . . Jobs have got to be our #1 priority' or something like that. DUHHH!!
With zero net jobs created in over a year (jobs lost > jobs created)! Do-ya-think?

His Jobs Task Force included GE's Jeff Immelt, whose company is pursuing outsourcing to LCC (Low Cost Countries), including Mexico which received VetcoGray's entire production facility for their VG gate valve line from the North Houston Rosslyn Plant; and Czechoslovakia and India which have received untold numbers of engineering jobs previously held by American engineers and designers.

So bho is asking the foxes (Immelt and crew) how to protect the hen-house (America's workforce).

bho is so out of touch with mainstream America and the real world in general.

And I read where they are proposing giving you $500 if you start a $1000 Savings Acct. or something like that? How much good will that do for a family going bankrupt who would not be able to scrape together 1-large in the first place?

And where will bho get the money for this payout?
China is not buying our T-bills.
So if the Fed prints money, you can expect inflation to go through the roof.
This reminds me of the reign of Jimmy Carter with double digit inflation.

The only good thing to come out of that was Ronald Reagan being elected President for two terms.

bho has made himself a cliche, irrelevant -- America and the world are in sad shape with him as the 'Leader of the Free World' --

Yet, whom will the Republicans put up against him to galvanize the far right (also irrelevant), the middle ground conservatives and the independents?

Is there ANY way to persuade Gen. Colin Powell to serve?
Arrogance. Implying that the only reason healthcare has stalled is because American's "don't understand" and he "hasn't explained it enough"? He's given over 400 speeches on healthcare. No, we get it.

Implying that congressional leadership that doesn't agree with him completely is somehow failing to lead the people? Well, when a significant portion of the people disagree with the president to begin with, it stands to reason that a significant portion of their elected representatives will disagree as well. That's actually GOOD leadership.

Implying that his inability to get ANYTHING significant done with a 60% super-majority in both houses of congress is actually the fault of the minority Republicans? That's actually so ridiculous I don't even have words for it.

He's arrogant and I don't think he's that "charismatic" a speaker either. His speeches are lilted, stalled and poorly delivered. And he also appears to be perpetually looking down his nose at us, both literally and figuratively.