Mea Culpa

So..............I'm pretty sure that I'm about to have my first negative review for a NC/NS.

Which I totally did. Screwed up my scheduling and didn't have my hobby phone with me and just blew him off.

I have contacted him to try to fix it, but if it pops up today...yes, I told him on Monday I would see him last night. Yes, I then didn't answer my phone or contact him. Yes, I screwed up his visit.

Especially on the heels of the various business related discussions that we have been having recently this is terribly embarrassing.

In his position what would you want to have to make up for it? Or would you just not even bother?
jframe2's Avatar
If he is smart he will let you make it up to him.
Lili ~ Your admission of guilt (both privately to him and publicly to the forum) probably goes a long ways in smoothing any tempers and bad feelings. Hey, sometimes errors and omissions happen, and it's how those issues are resolved that is scrutinized, not necessarily the occurrence by itself.

Resolution of these issues will probably be on a case-by-case basis, but I'm sure the old adage "time is money" would apply to any solution, so perhaps an offer to add time to a session, etc, would be appropriate?

Good luck, hope it comes out well, and as stated before, props to you for at least recognizing it and wanting make it good.
Jazzer's Avatar
It seems that a firm hand to your marvelous posterior would be in order.
Redwolf's Avatar
A sincere apology and quick response I appreciate. It shows appreciation for the client's wasted time, money, and effort. You have done that.

I think that some extra time is perhaps most mutually beneficial. A lady feels good about getting paid the same. A gentleman feels good about some make-up for his lost time. And then there is plenty of time for make-up . . .
Given the circumstances and your taking responsibility for the situation, I would appreciate the offer of extra time (say an extra 1/2 hour for an hour date). Another idea would be to offer to have dinner with him before your date. That would work for me, but I have extremely flexible hobbying parameters. I'd be happy to take you to a nice dinner and then finish the even BCD.

Also, be aware that different hobbyists have different thoughts and constraints. If you can offer him 2 or 3 choices to make it up to him, I'm sure that would be appreciated. If you offer a discount, I think 30% would be about right.

Just my thoughts...and kudos for stepping up.

A sincere apology and quick response I appreciate. It shows appreciation for the client's wasted time, money, and effort. You have done that.

I think that some extra time is perhaps most mutually beneficial. A lady feels good about getting paid the same. A gentleman feels good about some make-up for his lost time. And then there is plenty of time for make-up . . . Originally Posted by Redwolf
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 04-14-2011, 12:17 PM
If it were me, I would want an apology (i.e., some sort of offer to make it up such as next time at half price). If this were a repeat date, I'd take you up on your offer. If this were a first date, I would probably just scratch you off the list as we hear so many excuses for NC/NS anyways. But for your part, I definitely think some consideration should be offered to him.

Now I'd like to point out the contrast of how Silly Girl handled screwing up as compared to a recent thread that went 8 pages with lots of name calling, discontent, etc. It works so much better when you own up to your mistakes (as everyone here makes mistakes without exception). For that Kudos to Silly Girl!!
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 04-14-2011, 01:10 PM
Silly Girl is a pain in the butt sometimes but I give her credit for handling this matter in a calm, professional way.

As for me, like all men, I absolutely hate NC/NS's and last minute cancels. However, I would certainly listen to an explanation and apology. I would prefer it to be delivered via phone, not text or e-mail if possible.

If the lady contacted me fairly soon after the misfire, gave a reasonable excuse, apologized and offered a bonus for a reschedule such as a discount or extra time, I would likely go along with it.

This is an unusual business but it IS still a business and we, as customers, simply want to be made to feel like we're important. After all, we're spending a lot of money to patronize you and going through a lot of effort to keep our appts. Some guys have to make their alibis, clear schedules, visit ATM's, get spiffed up, pop the pill and sometimes drive long distances for an hour of pleasure. We sure want to be confident the lady will keep up her part of the arrangement and be there. Hopefully, that's not too much to expect.

Also, I know the ladies have their share of NC/NS's as well and that's not fun for you either. So it behooves everyone to be as considerate as possible.
It seems that a firm hand to your marvelous posterior would be in order. Originally Posted by Jazzer

This is my favorite suggestion.

But thank you everyone for your input, he is from out of town so I have a feeling I'm just crossed off his list for good. If not, I will definitely offer him several options lol.
This is my favorite suggestion. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Forty lashes... forty licks.... forty of SOMETHING!
  • Bbell
  • 04-14-2011, 01:49 PM
It's probably better that you don't make it up to him. Sillygirl operating at more than 100% out of guilt would surely hospitalize the average guy.

On a more serious note, your honesty is appreciated.
Jazzer's Avatar
It's probably better that you don't make it up to him. Sillygirl operating at more than 100% out of guilt would surely hospitalize the average guy.

On a more serious note, your honesty is appreciated. Originally Posted by Bbell
Very nice, very professional!
mojoworkin's Avatar
If it was the dude who nc/ns, and he posted and said oops, I forgot, would everyone be telling him what a stand up guy he is for admitting his mistake?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If it would make you feel better, SG, I would be happy to take an extra half hour, or half price meeting, if the alleged victim declines. No need to thank me, just trying to do my small part to help out.