Need Advice

Hey guys and gals, I need advice. In January 11 I visited a provider in Lenexa at one of the hotels. I went there for a massage and of course other things followed (strictly between two consulting adults). Upon leaving, and traveling approx a quarter of a mile, I was stopped by two undercover LE gentlemen. I was asked where I had been and what my activities were. I responded and told them where I had been and the activities that occurred. Anyway, they told me that if I gave them a statement nothing more would come of it. On Saturday I received a subponea to appear for the city of Lenexa against the "pimp" the first part of May. Do any of you guys and gals tell me what to expect. Can the City of Lenexa arrest me after I testify? Can I be fined? Has anyone else been in this situation? I'm nervous to say the least. I've been married for 47 years and even though the marriage is going through some rough times I don't want to separate. Help guys!!!!!
Misawahawk's Avatar
That's a legal question. You should get an attorney asap! Good luck.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
you keep your mouth shut put this in coed get a lawyer for godsakes keep your mouth shut
Yes, get a lawyer immediately. And if you want responses from the ladies you need to ask the mods to move this to the proper forum. Ladies can't post in the review forum.
I have requested that it be moved to the proper forum. Thanks.
Jazzer's Avatar
Curious, did you tell LE the "strictly between two consulting adults" part?

I've always wondered the best way to react if something similar ever happens to me. I've heard the preaching from the old timers about "keep your mouth shut", but imagine that LE can coax you into spilling more if you're not careful.
DKB140's Avatar
I wouldn't answer any new questions, invoke the fifth if anything could possibly incriminate you, but be careful about contradicting anything you said before. They could hassle you with Obstruction of Justice or Perjury if you're under oath. Honestly I wouldn't have said shit when they stopped me the first time, but what's done is done.

If I had been drinking or had a stressful day or something, I just might not remember much of anything...of course my memory is funny that way ;-)
For future reference, you should have gotten a lawyer BEFORE you spoke to the police in the first place. Absolutely get one now.

Furthermore, don't hire your family lawyer who mostly handles civil stuff like wills, contracts etc. Get someone who specializes in criminal law in Kansas--not just traffic ticket fixing but real criminal law.

I don't have any suggestions for a specific lawyer. Sorry. But get on this and don't procrastinate.
Everytime I go to an appointment...I think ahead of time a story...why I was there...I am dropping such and such off(usually a brochure)...they will know I am lying....if pushed my plan then would be push back nicely...bring up lawyer thing...the fifth and SHUTUP!!! I am always very nice with LE. I have to believe if they were in our shoes they would be in that room seeing that sweet young thing too. These guys are just doing their job and if they like you it will go better.

I once saw a well known provider in another city..that had a vice cop as a regular.
Jazzer's Avatar
The crappy thing is that in a situation like this, even if all you got was a legit massage (that's MY story and I'm sticking to it), you'd be in the same position.
bartipero's Avatar
Actually, his cooperation might have helped him here, possibly to avoid arrest, but it could've gone either way. It's a hard call on the spot, and we weren't there, so play it by ear in such situations, but like these guys say above, at this stage say no more, except to your lawyer. You've said too much already, though it probably won't matter under the circumstances.

Always remember, no matter what the authorities say, you don't have to talk to them. In fact, if you do and lie it can be obstruction of justice, particularly at the federal level. Once you pull the lawyer option, if you start talking again, then what you say can still be used. Silence is golden.

In the future, the general rule is to take a page from entertainment since that is what gets one there. When asked what you were doing, Rhett Butler: Why, whatever do you mean? (Shouldn't you know what they're talking about before you decide to answer?) Then, if called for, the Sgt. Schultz defense: "I know nothing, nothing!"--better exemplified by "I don't have anything to say." Then when they invariably lie, imply, threaten or otherwise pressure you, and regardless, keep your cool and go for the lawyer. Start from the assumption that it is best to start with silence and that.

But, again, you have to judge the circumstances which sometimes means it's worth chancing it. Keep in mind, in the field they can lie to you by promising lots of things to get a confession. Generally, they'll honor a deal like this, depending upon the seriousness of the matter, and unless you go back on them (after all, they don't want you claiming a compelled statement if they back out). So you have to judge it on the spot and prefer the lawyer if you can. The more serious the matter, the more it is generally better to dummy up.

It's like on traffic tickets. The first question is, "Why were you going so fast?" Is there an answer to that once you've been pulled over? Not usually. I left my book at home doesn't seem to work.
Thanks for all the advice. I have an appointment with an attorney tomorrow and I am to the soupenia (sp) with me. He told me on the phone that he will contact the prosecutor and find out just what they want with me. I did give a written statement to the LE at the time I was stopped. The LE think that this pimp is in the traffic of young asian women. Hopefully all will be good after my meeting tomorrow. Ever try explaining to your SO why you have to go to court for being a witness to a traffic accident??? Not pleasant!!
No I didn't but I don't think it would have done any good. They had the place staked out and knew what was going on in that apartment. They probably grabbed more than just me.
JRLawrence's Avatar
.....Anyway, they told me that if I gave them a statement nothing more would come of it. On Saturday I received a subponea to appear for the city of Lenexa ... the first part of May. ..............: Originally Posted by Grizzy11

In other words, they lied to you to get a statement, and now you have a subpoena that you have to honor.

Do you expect them to lie to you again?

Do you think you may need an attorney?

If you ever dream you need an attorney, get one and pay the money now to keep you from hurting even more later on.

Thanks JR. Yes they lied to me. I thought it was all over with but??? I have an appointment with a lawyer tomorrow afternoon. He told me that he will call the prosecutor and find out what's going on. I think that the city is really after the pimp, but I'll know later. Thanks for the advice.