Biden wants to train cops to shoot in the leg to reduce fatalities.

Yes, he really said that.

Biden Proposes Training Cops to Shoot Attackers in the Leg to Reduce Fatalities
This goes to show what a dummy Biden really is. Police Officer carry a sidearm strictly for a deadly force encounter, which is a last resort in the "Use Of Force Continuum" which most Police Departments have implemented to meet the criteria in Law Enforcement Accreditation programs. Officers have to their disposal less than lethal weapons such as Pepper Spray, Expandable Baton, Taser, Bean Bag Shot Guns ect. Biden's proposal goes against Law Enforcement training and use of force encounters. He needs to stay in the kitchen and bake cookies with his wife.
  • oeb11
  • 06-02-2020, 01:57 PM
Biden makes it clear he has no contact with the reality of Police work - particularly facing deadly threat to their lives.

He is Senile - and should remain in the basement.

JS also has a thread on this matter.
winn dixie's Avatar
Center mass very low could be a eugenics tool
I'm surprised he doesn't want the police to shoot the gun out of someone's hand like they do in Hollywood!
I'm surprised he doesn't want the police to shoot the gun out of someone's hand like they do in Hollywood! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Even the "shoot them in the leg" comment screams of him watching too much media from Hollywood.
LexusLover's Avatar
Biden Proposes Training Cops to Shoot Attackers in the Leg to Reduce Fatalities Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Biden needs to take some anatomy lessons.
LexusLover's Avatar
This goes to show what a dummy Biden really is. Police Officer carry a sidearm strictly for a deadly force encounter, ..... Originally Posted by Levianon17
With all due respect ... "a sidearm" is used to demonstrate A THREAT of force to get compliance ... in the "force continuum"! It is not "strictly for a deadly force encounter"!

Here's a start:

Sec. 9.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:

(3) "Deadly force" means force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury.
Officers draw (brandish) their duty weapon many times without the "intent" of discharging the weapon, but as a show of force to neutralize the situation. The force continuum is a sliding scale that escalates from mere presence to applying deadly force. In between the officer can draw his weapon to increase the threat to get compliance. It doesn't mean he/she will fire the weapon just because they draw it.
Biden is too old for anatomy lessons. At this point it will be a fruitless mental exercise to find his ass with both hands.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think I recall where he got his law enforcement lessons .....

.. over a beer with Obaminable aka Police Expert!

There's only one guy at the table who knows anything about law enforcement process and procedures.

He's the young white guy whose head is just above the dumbest MF walking the face of the Earth.
With all due respect ... "a sidearm" is used to demonstrate A THREAT of force to get compliance ... in the "force continuum"! It is not "strictly for a deadly force encounter"!

Here's a start:

Officers draw (brandish) their duty weapon many times without the "intent" of discharging the weapon, but as a show of force to neutralize the situation. The force continuum is a sliding scale that escalates from mere presence to applying deadly force. In between the officer can draw his weapon to increase the threat to get compliance. It doesn't mean he/she will fire the weapon just because they draw it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, I realize Officers draw down on suspects. But Officers don't ordinarily discharge their weapon for the sole intentions of wounding suspects, that's why they are issued secondary weapons such as Batons and Tasers ect.
With all due respect ... "a sidearm" is used to demonstrate A THREAT of force to get compliance ... in the "force continuum"! It is not "strictly for a deadly force encounter"!

Here's a start:

Officers draw (brandish) their duty weapon many times without the "intent" of discharging the weapon, but as a show of force to neutralize the situation. The force continuum is a sliding scale that escalates from mere presence to applying deadly force. In between the officer can draw his weapon to increase the threat to get compliance. It doesn't mean he/she will fire the weapon just because they draw it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"minimum force necessary.."