Very little evidence I guess....

texassapper's Avatar
Here's the 2020 Voter Fraud Video That Must Be Watched

68.5% error rate on ballots? LOL.... Federal Standards are .0008%.

VitaMan's Avatar
Before you click on the link mentioned, this will tell you all you need to know: is an online video platform. The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users
DNinja69's Avatar
Rumble is for sure not somewhere I would expect to hear any Liberal perspectives but it was an interesting watch.

Point #1 - Trump was winning.... before he was losing. All those 'anomalies' mentioned because of course if Biden is gaining votes that must be tinkering. Same old bullshit.

The video from State Farm Arena that supposedly shows ballots 'hidden under tables' has been debunked. Anyone caring enough to fact check that can easily see the longer clip.

Then we cut to someone arrested in Texas for voter fraud which there is some evidence supporting the claim but last I heard the Texas AG office had been disqualified from prosecution and the case was set for dismissal. All 38 electors from Texas went to Trump.

Then the video makes a case that the encryption levels of voter machines may have allowed something to happen. Possibly.

It is a big nothing burger with extra sauce and very little meat.
Before you click on the link mentioned, this will tell you all you need to know: is an online video platform. The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users Originally Posted by VitaMan
Rumble didn't produce the video they only featured it on their platform. So it doesn't matter what Rumble's political leanings are. Youtube wouldn't feature it because it is Liberal orientated.
Here's the 2020 Voter Fraud Video That Must Be Watched

68.5% error rate on ballots? LOL.... Federal Standards are .0008%.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE DARK WILL COME OUT IN THE LIGHT.. Originally Posted by texassapper

... And THAT'S just the ballots they looked at.

Then there's the ones WITHOUT proper signature and date.
But counted anyway.

.... Thanks for the video - and glad to see you back, mate!

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
Wow so it was really over 70% error rate? OMG

Maybe that's why I can't verify the OP claim by fact checking.
Seems to be a few people here with some knowledge go ahead and
link some supporting commentary? Would be cool to take a deeper
dive into this error rate issue.
ICU 812's Avatar
Before you click on the link mentioned, this will tell you all you need to know: is an online video platform. The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users Originally Posted by VitaMan
That an information source is "popular" with a constituency on either end of the political spectrum does not in and =of itself impugn the verity of any specific story.

If the report of something is accurate but distasteful to Socialists, that story and probably its source will also be "unpopular" to them. The converse is also true, regardless of one's political views.
DNinja69's Avatar
I enjoy looking at a variety of media outlets. It is the viewer's choice to filter and assess any bias as well as fact check the information. We will all find our own truth on some level but often I see people just accepting what is reported or searching for information to support a conclusion.

When the claims of voter interference surfaced I wanted Justice. Biden is someone I could not vote for and felt was an awful choice by Dems but Trump did drive away many moderates and didn't work seeking re-election in ways he did the first run to bring in voters who might not normally lean Republican. I do not denounce the claims of stolen election due to political preference its about evidence. What I do find unproductive and often dangerous is the continued effort to cling to those claims and let it dictate how people want to move forward. We have to let go at some point and play the game in front of us.

If we let Biden or someone from his circle sit in the Oval Office another 4 years because our energy was spent on what did or didn't happen in 2020 what have we done?
VitaMan's Avatar
That an information source is "popular" with a constituency on either end of the political spectrum does not in and =of itself impugn the verity of any specific story.

If the report of something is accurate but distasteful to Socialists, that story and probably its source will also be "unpopular" to them. The converse is also true, regardless of one's political views. Originally Posted by ICU 812

You have got to be kidding me.

These biased, alternate sites, of all political leanings, would never run a story that does not support their biased view.....and likely not a neutral story. You already know what you are going to get before reading it. And unfortunately, many sites run stories with unsupported "facts", and outright lies.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Before you click on the link mentioned, this will tell you all you need to know: is an online video platform. The cloud services business hosts Truth Social, and the video platform is popular among American right and far-right users Originally Posted by VitaMan
So you're saying it is not controlled by your team and must therefore be wrong. 'Cause that's what I heard you say.

Let me try my gooder ear: So you're saying since you cannot censor or control it - it is the Devil.

Seems more like you may have control issues.

Learn to let go.
Wtf dudes. It's a well known fact that the election was rigged. It's also a really really well known "proven" fact that the moron megas cant do shit about it except getting indicted again and again and...

Fucked up gop can only focus on hunter and barbi and showing the world how putin fucked up the gop. Now that's some serious shit...billion dollar barbi
VitaMan's Avatar
So you're saying it is not controlled by your team and must therefore be wrong. 'Cause that's what I heard you say.

Let me try my gooder ear: So you're saying since you cannot censor or control it - it is the Devil.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

You heard wrong.

Case in point: read post #3.

And you didn't even have to go to the site to know what the OP post was going to be.
Maybe that helps you to understand.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You heard wrong.

Case in point: Originally Posted by VitaMan
Believe in point, more like and totally beside the point. One can always discuss with fact, point and counter point - but as soon as you claim it's false solely because you do not subscribe to the source then you are censoring. Well.. you are being told to censor - which is worse.

Example on a totally different topic, though it includes Rumble as the source platform. Point is not to watch it or even comment on the topic presented. The point is to see the censorship only.

COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compilation (Compiled By Henry Benedict)

Just below the video is a little Overview. Below it is a 'Show More'. Click that and it expands out to:
This video highlights some of the most well-documented COVID-19 vaccine injury cases that have been made public on YouTube. Compiled by Henry Benedict.
Original YouTube Video:
See also:
Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report
More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries
COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS)
COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page
Click on the very first link, i.e. Youtube video

Welcome to censorship Comrade!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...but Trump did drive away many moderates ... Originally Posted by DNinja69
Is that how you remember it? Seriously?!?

The belfry has be ringing and clanging since Trump came down the escalator in 2015:
  • Muh Russia, Russia, Russia ring any bells?
  • Heir Mueller, the doddering old fool, ring any bells?
  • IG Horowitz ring any belles?
  • John Durham ring any bells?
  • 2 ridiculous BS impeachments, with no conviction ring any bells?
  • Summer of Love, i.e. Antifa(gs), BLM - who apparently were all immune to the covid in large crowds - ring any bells?
  • Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests ring any bells?
  • Chaz & Chop zones ring any bells?
The video is wrong. The 68% voting machine error rate was debunked long ago. Trump quoted a report with multiple errors in his tweet that claimed the 68% rate.
The fact check is a long one so I'm not going to put it all in here. The link will take you to the fact check that clearly explains why the numbers are wrong.

"In a Dec. 15 tweet, Trump claimed there was a "68% error rate in Michigan Voting Machines. Should be, by law, a tiny percentage of one percent."

"Trump was reacting to a consultant’s report that a judge made public Monday in connection with an election lawsuit in Antrim County, in northern Michigan, where a misapplied software update initially led to incorrect unofficial results being reported on election night. But Trump’s tweet misinterprets the findings of the report, which itself presents a misleading picture."

"State and county officials say the reporting error, which was corrected soon after the election, was the result of human error by County Clerk Sheryl Guy, a Republican, before the election."

Here's the 2020 Voter Fraud Video That Must Be Watched

68.5% error rate on ballots? LOL.... Federal Standards are .0008%.

WHAT HAPPENS IN THE DARK WILL COME OUT IN THE LIGHT.. Originally Posted by texassapper