Taking BAD TASTE to a new level - trading on a dead man's name and reputation . . .

Now I've seen everything - I can honestly say I am sick to my stomach and I can't believe the level some people will stoop to in this business . . .

Backpage Ad listed January 21st: http://kc.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/3177603

"Out call only 24/7 home hotel or office cash and all major credit cards excepted. We are a classy discreet service that offers flat full hour rates with no upsells we also offer some of kansascitys most beautifull talent. I guarantee you will not be disatisfyed with the quality of our team. If you dont like her there are no cancellation fees I dont know if any one still rembers master dennis or plaza escorts may he rest in peace but he is the reason we have the standards and principles we do. we opperate with the same high standards we are not plaza but we are striving to carry on his ideals and bring back to kansas city an actual escort thats not going to leave a bad taste in your mouth. so please feel free to call night or day our ladies can arive to you in as little as 30 mins oh yeah no ax murders we have a do not serve list not as big as dennis but its there, thank you once you have used our service youll be done with the incalls and taking so many chances we are affordable and discreet we are not the police. 816-695-4575 913-907-7898"

Here are the search results for their "Agency" (a low grade "yellow page" competitor of questionable repute and possible ties to LE being reported in association with one of the images):



Attached are the two images that appeared in the ad . . . one lady named "Kat" and another named "Jessie".

The phone numbers are associated with other "agencies" popping up from Garden City, KS to Columbia, MO. (Perfect 10, etc.).

The ad infers no DIRECT connection with Plaza in the past but certainly goes out of the way to imply association and in an almost sick and very disturbing way, pays "homage" to his business practices. Odd, because not ONE SINGLE POSITIVE REVIEW could be found for anyone ever associated with these two phone numbers. Plus, this advertisement has a fair share of red flags in it . . . no nudity, offers to go to your office, they accept credit cards (huge red flag) . . .

I'll just go shake my head in disbelief . . . their ad states "not going to leave a bad taste in your mouth" - well, I would bet for MOST people in KC, they've done just that.

EDIT: a little more digging reveals they are associated with this Backpage ad also: http://kc.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts...Ad?oid=3053147 and the following phone numbers: 816-216-4878, 913-461-4731 . . .



Yeah, they're a class act . . . great way to win friends and influence people . . . what goes around comes around.

Images have hits on tineye - http://www.tineye.com/search/57dd98e...1590b5a3a46094 - I didn't run them all, they aren't worth my time.

Anyone that calls these numbers won't get any sympathy from me when it "goes sour". I'd expect that Dale, Chuck and others that worked closely with Dennis or were his good friends will be booking with these fine ladies to discuss their use of Master Dennis' good name in their advertisement. But, that's just pure speculation . . . but some things get handled "old school" . . . and people are quite upset.

- Jackie
Wow, a new low. As you said, what goes around comes around.

Karma baby Karma.
I just had an interesting conversation with a "nice" (NOT) man that answered one of the numbers . . . I'd say an alert was justified, but I'll let you fine gentlemen make up your own mind . . .

- Jackie
Thanks for the heads up, i will be looking elsewhere. By the by, when will you be back Jackie?
Thanks for the heads up, i will be looking elsewhere. By the by, when will you be back Jackie? Originally Posted by jeyhawq88
I slid on the ice last week and while "catching" myself, I held on to an open car door and subsequently, the door closed while I was holding on, trapping my thumb - and it wasn't pretty. In hindsight I would have done myself a favor to just take the fall . . . I'm healing well and I should be back in KC for returning clients sometime the week of the 25th (perhaps later in the week) and then after I get "caught up" I may open the schedule for well qualified and referenced new clients. I decided since I would be "off schedule" anyway to get some necessary travel out of the way and see family and take care of some outstanding business matters in another state.

I just can't believe business is so bad in KC that you have to go this low (to this low a level) to beg a call . . . as evidenced by these advertisements.


- Jackie
Hopefully someone can review your work and do an official alert here. Or a mod could move it at their discrection? What recourse is there at BP for improper ads I wonder?
If enough people flag the ad as "inappropriate content" then maybe they would pull it, but it is doubtful as they (Backpage) are sensitive to pulling advertisements that they may incur a credit card charge-back from the poster in doing so . . . the obvious fact remains that they CANNOT STAND ON THEIR OWN GOOD MERITS, they have to rely on the coattails of someone that would have dismissed them categorically. No one with any class would do such a thing - no one that would do such a thing would have lasted five minutes around Dennis.

They are not answering their phones . . . must have been some backlash.

One of the ads contains images of a lady that doesn't exist (see the tineye link) and another (the blonde) set of images was associated with a sting in the past according to a LOT of information I am getting . . . so buyer beware.

By the way - with as many misspellings and grammatical errors that exist in the posting, do they expect that a person with an IQ above 90 or 95 (Wechsler Classification) will call? If so, I need to dumb down my advertisements and misspell words while typing in all lower case letters.

I'm done with the issue, they're probably too stupid (if they are legit) to not get busted for more than a few weeks . . so I seriously doubt they'll be around long enough to be an issue and if they are, I'd expect upsell, rip-offs and girls that look nothing like their pictures (in which case they won't be around long anyway).

- Jackie
Now I've seen everything - I can honestly say I am sick to my stomach and I can't believe the level some people will stoop to in this business . . .

Backpage Ad listed January 21st: http://kc.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/3177603

"Out call only 24/7 home hotel or office cash and all major credit cards excepted. We are a classy discreet service that offers flat full hour rates with no upsells we also offer some of kansascitys most beautifull talent. I guarantee you will not be disatisfyed with the quality of our team. If you dont like her there are no cancellation fees I dont know if any one still rembers master dennis or plaza escorts may he rest in peace but he is the reason we have the standards and principles we do. we opperate with the same high standards we are not plaza but we are striving to carry on his ideals and bring back to kansas city an actual escort thats not going to leave a bad taste in your mouth. so please feel free to call night or day our ladies can arive to you in as little as 30 mins oh yeah no ax murders we have a do not serve list not as big as dennis but its there, thank you once you have used our service youll be done with the incalls and taking so many chances we are affordable and discreet we are not the police. 816-695-4575 913-907-7898"

Here are the search results for their "Agency" (a low grade "yellow page" competitor of questionable repute and possible ties to LE being reported in association with one of the images):



Attached are the two images that appeared in the ad . . . one lady named "Kat" and another named "Jessie".

The phone numbers are associated with other "agencies" popping up from Garden City, KS to Columbia, MO. (Perfect 10, etc.).

The ad infers no DIRECT connection with Plaza in the past but certainly goes out of the way to imply association and in an almost sick and very disturbing way, pays "homage" to his business practices. Odd, because not ONE SINGLE POSITIVE REVIEW could be found for anyone ever associated with these two phone numbers. Plus, this advertisement has a fair share of red flags in it . . . no nudity, offers to go to your office, they accept credit cards (huge red flag) . . .

I'll just go shake my head in disbelief . . . their ad states "not going to leave a bad taste in your mouth" - well, I would bet for MOST people in KC, they've done just that.

EDIT: a little more digging reveals they are associated with this Backpage ad also: http://kc.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts...Ad?oid=3053147 and the following phone numbers: 816-216-4878, 913-461-4731 . . .



Yeah, they're a class act . . . great way to win friends and influence people . . . what goes around comes around.

Images have hits on tineye - http://www.tineye.com/search/57dd98e...1590b5a3a46094 - I didn't run them all, they aren't worth my time.

Anyone that calls these numbers won't get any sympathy from me when it "goes sour". I'd expect that Dale, Chuck and others that worked closely with Dennis or were his good friends will be booking with these fine ladies to discuss their use of Master Dennis' good name in their advertisement. But, that's just pure speculation . . . but some things get handled "old school" . . . and people are quite upset.

- Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Jackie, that picture of the blond in your BP edit statement looks really familiar to me, but the feeling tone is very negative. However, I cannot come up with why right now. Also, IQ won't have anything to do with someone who would call them. There is not a high correlation between IQ and wisdom.
Jackie, that picture of the blond in your BP edit statement looks really familiar to me, but the feeling tone is very negative. However, I cannot come up with why right now. Also, IQ won't have anything to do with someone who would call them. There is not a high correlation between IQ and wisdom. Originally Posted by hughhefner
. . . or common sense.


- Jackie
Midwest Kid's Avatar
Miss Devlin,

I am sorry to hear you hurt your hand and fell. Hopefully all is healing well and you are feeling better. Get well soon as I know these gents are greatly anticipating your return. Have a great weekend Miss Devlin and stay safe.

Omahan's Avatar
Bad taste does not warrant an alert. Alerts are for first hand knowledge not speculation. The discussions forum is the right place for this discussion.
nsafun05's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up Jackie!
Only used the REAL Plaza Escort agency a couple of times, and that was a few years back. But always enjoyed Dennis comments...did not always agreed, but respected his way of "laying it out there". Plus admired his way of doing business.

Karma has a wonderful way of settling the score...good and bad. These pretenders will get theirs...hopefully soon!

Boy, its nice to have a nice site as replacement for ASPD!
I've been out of town. What happened to Dennis and when?