Police stared started

Yesterday trump deputies local l.e. to check immigrants. This is a start. Next his enemies, then business competion, who knows maybe sex workers. This didn't work in Arizona. However this with, destruction of the media and fear has been used before successfully by very bad rulers, Not by Obama.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Jeffrey, Jeffrey ..... must you bend over and show us your creditability with all these nonsensical posts? ..... what exactly is it about Trump saying he was going to strengthen our borders that you don't understand? ..... well this is one step in that process ..... so get used to it we finally have a president who intends to B.A.F.L ..... be a fucking leader
Although I could site many reasons why trump is unfit which are supported by fact I know you would not listen. I underst5and strong borders very well having lived in Laredo. But when a strong man get his way, where will he stop. Germans thought it would end with the jews, then the poles, then the gays, finally people who disagred or were thought to disagree. Maybe when they get around to you there will be no one to stop him. Secure borders are not the issue, it is how it is being done,
One more thing 00 gauge rfh, read fucking history,
I taught World History and American History and Government classes at the high school level here in San Antonio for over 30 years ..... so I think I've got a pretty good grasp of it .....
A proud public educator I am impressed
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Looks like you got a real good grasp of something...
If the current immigration laws under Obamas administration had been enforced - Trump would not have to deal with this mess. Just another catastrophe from Obama's administration.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
If the current immigration laws under Obamas administration had been enforced - Trump would not have to deal with this mess. Just another catastrophe from Obama's administration. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Here is an interesting article about the Obama administration's enforcement. It tells a slightly different story.

I think this says it all
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
This type of refuge ban can easily have the reverse effect, actually making it MORE likely a catastrophic attack takes place against our country. Suddenly, it is easier for ISIS and Al Qaeda to recruit new members. If you are truly concerned about our country's safety, as I am sure we all are, it would be prudent to take a more complex view of the situation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There'll be no reasoning with the unreasonable.

I blame Bush...
Zero chance that anyone with half of a brain will agree with your logic (Protecting the USA borders will fuel a jihadist war against USA = ridiculous premise).

Take a more complex view? What the hell kind of Obama bullshit is that? Typical sensitive liberal approach - sit firmly on your thumb while the rest of the world kicks the shit out of you. No thanks. ISIS (Obama's JV team) wants a fight and they are about to get it. First step, contain their sorry asses. Second step, let the host countries know that we can/will eradicate the rats on the condition that they pay our tab via oil ownership/revenue (Trump's a businessman, nothing comes free!). Step three, host country agrees to our demands. Step four, ass whoopin'. Step five, USA keeps winning so much that we are going to get tired of winning!!

You go sit in the corner with Chuckie Schumer and share handkerchiefs to wipe away the tears of fear. Real men are in charge now.

This type of refuge ban can easily have the reverse effect, actually making it MORE likely a catastrophic attack takes place against our country. Suddenly, it is easier for ISIS and Al Qaeda to recruit new members. If you are truly concerned about our country's safety, as I am sure we all are, it would be prudent to take a more complex view of the situation. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

Take a more complex view? What the hell kind of Obama bullshit is that? Typical sensitive liberal approach - sit firmly on your thumb while the rest of the world kicks the shit out of you. No thanks.. Originally Posted by veedub63
Trumps looks at things in the most simplistic ways, for some this makes him the perfect leader. Obviously, I do not agree with this approach.

Zero chance that anyone with half of a brain will agree with your logic. Originally Posted by veedub63
Trump is getting push back from ALL fronts, international and domestic, from Republicans and Democrats. These are people with half brains and full brains. Most people do indeed agree with this logic,